I cannot figure out how to build halium on a opi5 or i would do it but i would like to request a fork of UT that goes back to being just ubuntu with lomri normal RW permissions arm64 ubuntu repos and ditch libertine .......please

UT Fork request
RE: any way to change desktop environment?
@cliffcoggin right now im more useful with/to waydroid but i intend to change this
flashlight to top quick menu?
basically menu diving sucks to turn on a flashlight!! ......pretty self explanatory.....should just be at the top there yeah?
i have officially given up on telegram
they either cannot or will not send me a login sms
iv used my number no dice
i used google voice number no dice
i used my friends number no dice
i even used a free sketchy un heard of i think from china voip website ....still nothing ....so i cannot play in reindeer games and i officially dont like telegram -
RE: UT Fork request
@developerbayman personally. I think it would just be easier to use math to render to smaller displays .....also i think clickable is terrible .....not so much in itself as much as it has zero historical draw on past development resource........i hit this point of frusteration because we have to reinvent the wheel on everything that has already been done so i go to dev....and.....built in python is too minimal no pip nothing ......does libertine even work? I cant get it to work ....never seen it work ......heard it working more as a rumor .......iv developed a thonny clone just for ubuntu touch but now i have to figure out how to embed a fully working python environment in the app itself ........im getting frusterated because i would be done with the project but ubuntu isnt ubuntuing ........or at the very least can we please have full python .......also i cannot seem to edit the sources.list anymore even after setting to RW