SDL2 works fine. I did some hacking with PySDL some months ago.
RE: Porting Rust UI Toolkit OrbTk to Ubuntu Touch
RE: List of Game Engines supporting Ubuntu Touch - Discussion
SDL exists for Ubuntu Touch. Also, pygame and pygame-sdl (both only python2 unfortunately)
However, you have to enlarge your system.img partition in order to have room for it (Atleast on Nexus 5) See:
Thensudo remount / -o rw,remount && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python-pygame
I've been trying to create aclick
package with some pygame testing code, but not managed to get the dependency setting in clickable.json to install python-pygame-sdl2.. -
RE: Unity8 Home Menu Design
Looks pretty! But won't things be too tiny on a 5-6 inch phone?
RE: How to start a pygame-sdl2 app from Scopes
Hi @dobey,
- There are only a python2 pygame_sdl2 package available.
- Out of ignorance
No idea how to make a click. I'll give it a try.
- After a reboot Scopes shows up my icons. I guess as a click it will work better.
Not sure if SDL2 got included when I installed pygame_sdl2 or not.
Thanks! -
How to start a pygame-sdl2 app from Scopes
How do I start a simple pygame-sdl2 test app from Scopes, like the one below:
#!/usr/bin/env python2 import time import pygame_sdl2 pygame_sdl2.import_as_pygame() import pygame.display pygame.init() di = pygame.display.Info() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((di.current_w, di.current_h), pygame.FULLSCREEN) screen.fill((255,255,255)), (255, 0, 0), (di.current_w/2, di.current_h/2), 100, 0) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(2)
I've remounted / as rw, and apt-get install'ed python-pygame-sdl2
I've tried to create a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications
and I see that Scopes get's redrawn, but no new icon appears.How should such a .desktop look like? Is it the right way to add an app to Scopes?
Edit: After rebooting the phone, the icon of my app showed up. But how to reload .desktop files in a more smooth way?
RE: Add custom starter to App scope
Too bad Mir support was removed from SDL a few days ago -
RE: List of Game Engines supporting Ubuntu Touch - Discussion
Good initiative! Maybe include on each game engine how well they preform on Ubuntu Touch, things that are not working that good etc?
RE: Add custom starter to App scope
Interesting. Sad that the performance was that bad.
Have you had a look at
(It has a pygame compatible mode)
There is at least one game for Sailfish that uses that pygame_sdl2. -
webapp: Block pop-ups?
Is there a way to block pop-ups to be opened from a webapp?
It's a bit annoying that the morph browser starts-up and wants to display some advertisements. (Adblocker just makes an empty page to be shown)
There seems to be no block pop-up setting in the morph browser.
RE: Ubuntu Touch on Sony Xperia X
I've been playing around from time to time with Ubuntu Touch on the Xperia X. Over all it works very well, but a few things that are not really working (and not mentioned not to work above):
- Vibrator
- Of the sensors, only accelerometer works
- A fully charged battery is reported to be at 67%.
- After pressing the power, it takes a few seconds before I can unlock it. Maybe related to the lack of graphic hw acceleration?
RE: Ubuntu Touch on Sony Xperia X
Success at last! It is apparently very import to unlock at "latest android". I unlocked at Android 6.
I installed twrp like this:sudo fastboot flash boot boot.img
It will then always boot into twrp, but I didn't manage to flashing it to the recovery area to work.
Once booted into twrp, I had to format system, data & cache since the phone got encrypted by default.Btw, ip configurtion from console:
sudo ip addr add dev -your device-
For those of us that don't have a fancy GUI to help you with.
ubports on xperia x feels a bit sluggish compared to the nexus 5. A look at top, shows that unity8 consumes quite a lot of cpu when doing some ui interaction. I suspect no hw acceleration enabled?
edit: Some language corrections.
RE: Development testers for Anbox
@honigwald What does
sudo anbox-tool status
say? On my Nexus 5, sudo vs no sudo shows different status. -
RE: RSS Reader
@elastic , if you use TinyTiny RSS, then I can recommend using: g2ttrss It isn't as good as the TinyTiny RSS apps for Android, but it is good enough.
RE: Ubuntu Touch on Sony Xperia X
@beidl adb was running just fine when I tried halium-install before wiping system + data + cache. I tested with adb shell. (Then I couldn't even ls /data without getting permission denied.) On second though, why is halium-install pushing files to /data and not
/storage/0/emulated (or what the "internal sd" card path's is.)?A wild guess is that the system.img that halium-install creates is the provided system.img + the .tar.gz file. Maybe that could be fastboot flash'ed into system? But then, where would rootfs.img go? Hmm.
I don't know android's file system layout good enough. Have to do some reading up.
RE: Ubuntu Touch on Sony Xperia X
@beidl Thanks for a quick reply. No, I didn't wipe data, cache and system partitions.
I've done that now from twrp, but there seems to be no mobile-side adb running when in twrp. And because I did wiping system, I have no Android to boot.
Any idea how to progress? -
RE: Ubuntu Touch on Sony Xperia X
@beidl First of all, thanks a lot for trying to port Ubuntu Touch to Xperia X.
I'm trying to follow your guide, but I'm getting stuck at halium-install.
It wants:adb: error: failed to copy '.halium-install-imgs.yk2k5/rootfs.img' to '/data/rootfs.img': remote couldn't create file: Permission denied .halium-install-imgs.yk2k5/rootfs.img: 0 files pushed. 154.0 MB/s (2817704 bytes in 0.017s) adb: error: failed to copy '.halium-install-imgs.yk2k5/system.img' to '/data/system.img': remote couldn't create file: Permission denied .halium-install-imgs.yk2k5/system.img: 0 files pushed. 116.0 MB/s (2686648 bytes in 0.022s)
My Xperia's current status is that I've flashed twrp and the oem binaries via fastboot.
The phone is on Android 8.0, and not rooted.
Any idea what could be wrong? -
RE: Ubuntu Touch version 17
@advocatux Thanks for your answer! I expected that it is too much work to make change logs manually. Maybe I should write a script that git log --online on all gits and make a summary..
RE: Ubuntu Touch version 17
@ubuntoutou and @Lakotaubp Thanks for your question and answer, as @obacht , I were also confused regarding the version-numbering.
Btw, are there some change logs available for the weekly RC changes?