@Plarde I just downloaded the app and my first impression is that it's great! Kudos to you for the effort you made, really worth it. At a first sight, but as a disclaimer I might have not spent enough time in this app yet, it seems that if I zoom in to enlarge the words size the tool to draw and highlight text just disappears and I'm not able to use that. Potentially it's a great app indeed
RE: Annotate - app to annotate PDF files
RE: Focal/20.04 is out for quite a while now. You still use Xenial/16.04? I would like to know what stops you from upgrading?
Just to share my experience, few days ago Waydroid stopped to work for me with my Pixel 3a on 16.04 Stable channel. I was then forced to pass to 20.04, since I still need to have whatsapp in some ways available. I thought that upgrating from within the OS itself straight to 20.04 it would have been a good idea, avoiding using the Ubports installed but it was a great pain instead; it upgraded to 20.04 but OS resulted severely broken. In fact any kind of gesture I was used to was slower and unresponsive most of the time. Phone storage was awfully clogged, 60 GB nearly full for no apparent reason like if the new OS installed along with the old one. Subsequently, I decided to employ the Ubports installer without selecting the wipe option in order to preserve my data but it never ended the process, after many attempts with different usb cables (at least 5 cables I tried). There was no way to resurrect the phone, therefore in the end I was obliged to try to install by means of the Ubports installer but this time tapping on the wipe tick, to install from scratch. It worked flawless and now I'm on Focal 20.04. Unfortunately I lost some of my data, but luckily I was wise enough to backup at least my personal videos and pictures. The new environment seems much snappier than before, but I'll report my experience on that in a few days to get used to it.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 136 Call For Questions
@AppLee thank you again for your valid points and your valuable reply. Of course I may have forgotten other important people who are contributing to develop the OS, my bad. But my comment was intended to be general and not specific. I agree with you that for a developer the best reward should be the satisfaction for the work done but I also believe that a monetary reward might help and motivate more a dev, otherwise why are we normal users encouraged to donate, if not for this reason? Said that, I hope this project will thrive more and more and think that people motivated and dedicated to that do deserve more. Sadly I deem that UBports Founder isn't that anymore, therefore others shall take his place. Keep up the good work. Best regards. Matteo
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 136 Call For Questions
@AppLee hi, thank you for replying to me, really appreciated. Let me better explain what I mean with my post. First, I would like to clarify that I really believe in this project and in what the UBports Community is trying to bring forward, with a lot of struggling, i.e. the development of an OS which is different from all the rest. I trust this Community, I believe in free software in general and in Linux in particular and I'm grateful to all the devs that so far worked actively into development. I'm raising this topic since I'm with you when you say that, quote "people can trust the foundation with donations" unquote, and this is exactly the reason why I'm afraid there might be a loss of interest in UT and diminishing of donations. I followed the development of this OS since the very beginning, since when Marius announced to the World (the niche of it of course) that he would have stepped in to keep up the development of UT. For many years he was by himself the driving force of this Community and really he, and couple of fellow devs, lifted all the work burden alone. In last years, I noticed his involvement has restrained a lot: in the last months I just remember of him few announcements to say that he wants to be still the reference for this project, that he is working on topic such as VoLTE or AGPS and nothing else more. Other than the announcements I cannot see any practical signs of what he did in this regards nor whether he found any roadblockers or where we are at, what's the state of the art for each of the topics. I see him not participating publicly to this Forum at all, nor in any Telegram channel or any other channel that I'm aware of. What I see instead is a bunch of devs trying to keep the development on track with too many efforts to be done in their spare time: their pain is my pain. Unfortunately I have no particular skills in development, even though I tried in the past to get my hands dirty with couple of apps but when you come to development at low level, I simply am not able to comply with since in my daily life I do something completely different from coding. I try to help as much as I can in other ways, one way is with monetary contribution. I still follow updates here in the Forum and in Telegram even though I recently am less active at writing. When I talk about transparency, it's mostly related to Marius because he is the Founder and I wish to know if he is still motivated or not and this may orientate my donation as well. In the latter case, I may prefer to finance the people, directly or indirectly, who has the coding knowledge and I recognize are doing very recently a great job, let me mention for instance Jami, Raoul, Florian who put a lot of efforts in the past, Mike Gabriel and Alfred, as I deem they deserve to be rewarded for all the work done somehow. Problem is I don't even know if the money I'm sending to UBports reaches them in some ways, since I don't know how all the donations are employed inside the foundation. If you can enlighten me I'd appreciate. Thank you in advance.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 136 Call For Questions
@matteo thanks to Alfred who replied to this question in last Q&A, even though I deem his reply is a bit disappointing for the reason I want to share with you. In my opinion, Marius isn't any random dev, he is the dev who made all of this to happen, who had the courage to keep up the development of UT after Canonical quit. If he lost interest in UT, I would like to know as an enthusiast user and financier of UT at the same time. This to understand if my financing at UT is still fine (I wish to know where my money is going, which is just a little contribution, but granted for many years so far), or maybe I should better orientate my contribution directly to devs nowadays active with UT (like Alfred and others are, for instance). Don't take this wrong: Marius has the right to do whatever he likes the best with his life, same as all people involved with UT, but I think a little bit of more transparency should be sought here.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 136 Call For Questions
@domubpkm I would take advantage of this question to ask if Marius Gripsgard, the UBports founder, is still around. It's been a while, couple of years at least, that I see him not participating anymore to devs activities, publicly at least, and very seldom to Q&As, even though in one of the last appearences he said that he would have wanted to become the UBports main reference, but since then he quite disappeared. Looking also at modifications and PRs in preparation of the last OTAs, apparently his contributions became marginal. Thank you in advance. Matteo
RE: Focal/20.04 is out for quite a while now. You still use Xenial/16.04? I would like to know what stops you from upgrading?
@kugiigi thank you for the detailed feedback, it encourages me a lot to move forward. I don't exacly use many apps on UT but the ones that I use I would like to keep, starting from the app I developed, which is dataMonitor. I think, when I'll be ready for the move, I'll first minimize as much as I can the apps that I have installed so that I'll reduce the risk of any glitches during and after the installation.
RE: Focal/20.04 is out for quite a while now. You still use Xenial/16.04? I would like to know what stops you from upgrading?
@danfro what I miss the most is my own app dataMonitor, which is only available for xenial. My plan is that when I'll be moved to focal, I'll port its funtionality directly into System settings. Then other apps such as CloudMusic (albeit recently stopped to work for some reason...) and Wordle.
RE: Focal/20.04 is out for quite a while now. You still use Xenial/16.04? I would like to know what stops you from upgrading?
@danfro hi Daniel, good question. I'm still on xenial with my Pixel 3a foremost because of one simple reason: it seems to be a bit troublesome to pass from xenial to focal, due to the fact that apparently if you update on the fly from the system updater you'll end up with a not quite stable OS with few annoying quirks, according to some users reports; best option would then be to use the Ubports installer which is easy to use, but it would require to completely wipe your phone to start-up focal from scratch in order to have a clean installation, which is not ideal for my use case. The aforementioned for me is the main road-blocker to focal, not mentioning the lack of few apps that I use and since this phone is my daily driver and I have no backup phone, prior to make that big leap I'm waiting that focal will become stable enough. Hope it helped. Regards. Matteo
RE: Manual Ubuntu Touch + Anbox Installation @ MeizuPro5
@pe3noATo2DOTpl 30 minutes waiting doesn't sound good. The Meizu Pro5 maintainer/porter is the one you talked to in the other thread you pointed me out two messages above. Try asking him to enable Waydroid for your device; unfortunately I'm not aware of the steps to follow in order to make Waydroid available for your device. All the best for your quest. Matteo
RE: Manual Ubuntu Touch + Anbox Installation @ MeizuPro5
@pe3noATo2DOTpl ok now it is more clear situation for Meizu Pro5, thank you for the insights. Apparently the port has been made but only for Xenial 16.04, if I'm not mistaken. To make Waydroid to work with your device, the maintainer should allow that specifically for this port, so I'm not sure about. But why don't you try yourself to install it from the OpenStore? There is a very nice app called "Waydroid helper" and if available for your device in the store, installing from that is a breeze.
RE: Manual Ubuntu Touch + Anbox Installation @ MeizuPro5
@pe3noATo2DOTpl hi Piotrek, I used to have the Meizu Pro5 and really liked that device but I got it soon broken and needed to move to other device. I don't understand if you can get into the OS environment to install Anbox? If so, are you on Xenial 16.04? If confirmed, I would like just to point you out, in case you weren't aware, that Anbox is deprecated since few years and the supported way to install Android app is via Waydroid application, if available for your phone.
RE: (Mobile) Network Data Counter
@Gernulf hi and thanks @Keneda for highlighting me this thread. I'm the developer of the app Keneda already sent the link to you. This app was originally developed to fill a gap in UT and I believe I accomplished to my own goal, as a minimum target. In the app, you will find the basic functionalities you might expect but not the chance to set the starting day for monitoring data or to reset the count. This is on my list though and I'll bring it in future to my app but cannot tell you when, right now. Problem is new UT version came out, i.e. 20.04, and until I cannot get that on my Pixel 3a, because that is my only phone and my daily driver so that I have to wait this becoming stable enough, I'll not be in the position to further work on my app. In addition, my intention is to embed this app straight into the OS instead of being a downloadable app from the store, so I need a strategy to implement that as well. Hope you'll enjoy my app and find it useful. Regards. Matteo
RE: [Break Your UT] Bigger and better Lomiri and Keyboard???
@kugiigi I saw a video of yours showcasing all the stuff you created and shared in the main telegram group because I found all of that so great! I would like to use ALL of them but I'm afraid to break my phone which is my daily driver, therefore I can only wait for you to propose them to be included mainstream, on Gitlab/Github. Since I find your work on UT so precious and valuable, once I'll be able to use your stuff I have the intention to provide you with a little offer, as I did for other developers, such as Alfred for instance, who made great things and deserve to be a little bit financed. Thanks Kugi and keep going with bringing UT always further and further
RE: Double Tap to Wake Not Staying On
@ckrnkfrnchmn it's a known issue related to the fact that on xenial branch that toggle is trying to modify a property provided by underlying Android layer but it cannot be done properly as it's complicated to manage appropriately. Hope that this will change in the future with the brand new focal image.
Matteo -
RE: Battery Life on Pixel 3a with UT 20.4
@ckrnkfrnchmn meaning that the Pixel 3a has 8 cores available, therefore occupying 15% of one core only isn't an issue at all.
RE: Platform Development Kit (PDK) for Focal
@arubislander no worries at all
Then my issue stands: I cannot install apps based on .deb package because seemingly I cannot fetch repositories.
RE: Platform Development Kit (PDK) for Focal
@arubislander thanks for the reply, even though if what you say regarding the fact that PDK isn't recommended for core apps development, such as the ones involving .deb packages, is correct, this is clashing with the instructions deployed for its installation, where it is recommendend to install a .deb repository, as far as I understand. If that is the case, then I reckon PDK is quite useless for my use case. Also, I wish to add that cickable for the installation of core apps is also not a viable option at all; I would like to recall that, at least at the time when I was quite active, the only chance to test apps which involve .deb package is by means of 'crossbuilder' tool (but partially working) or exploiting Github/Gitlab CI function.
Platform Development Kit (PDK) for Focal
Hello fellow developers,
Any of you experienced with this tool, the PDK, I recently stumbled upon? I got curious of looking at how development of app is envisaged on the new Focal environment and installed the tool following instructions found here -> PDK github link
Everything works well on my laptop with Pop OS installed and I can even launch a Focal instance in a shell, but problem is I'm apparently unable to install apps from remote repositories, such as the indicator for wifi one suggested in the instructions linked above: in fact it seems that Ubuntu repositories needed during installation process cannot be fetched and are not availble anymore causing the installation to fail. Anybody with a hint on that? Is somebody working fruitfully with PDK so far? Thanks in advance. -
RE: I have ended my contract with the UBports Foundation
Sad about this news, I always thought you @UniSuperBox were one of the pillars of this project. However it was evident something was happening behind the scenes, because your interventions were always rare and rare. I hope you'll recover soon and health must be always in a due care, so take your time with no rush. Of course I hope you'll eventually come back, much stronger than before ;). Anyways, please consider my personal side thought: you are still young and you have had the envied position of being contracted and earn some money doing what you like doing the most (at least you always seemed so passionate about this job). I'm a chemical engineer and I find my daily job boring because there isn't creativity nor fantasy at all in what I do. In your job instead, at which you are skilled and talented without any doubt, you have the chance to count, to steering where the project is going and to put your creativity at Community service. None of you devs was ever supposed to get burning out, this is a volunteer project. Sometimes I just feel you devs want to do too much but bear in mind you don't owe anything to the Community, because you are delivering code for free and things can be moved forward at slow pace, the pace that most suits to you.
Said that, have a rest dear Dalton and see you soon