Hi, is there any concrete plan or progress on integrating a generic carddav support in the OS (accounts) as it is implemented for caldav?
I consider this an important feature for any smartphone and I find it rather ironic that the only option in contacts app is to sync with google (or SIM-card).

RE: CardDav (contacts) support
RE: Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
Hi, My name is Sebastian (nick: obacht). I am a developer in the medical device business doing design control and risk management.
I very much like the idea of (re–)using stuff as long as the material lasts and to e.g. not buy a new phone every few months as well as the ideas behind UT and becoming more independent from and less involved with g**gle, apple and the like. I am not experienced with GNU/Linux, coding and so on but I think itˋs always good to have a few dummies around for testing of the gui and feedback :–)
I bought me a used n5 for testing and I am looking forward to the day that UT has everything I need in a daily driver (from what I see and tried until now I am only missing the option of generic carddav sync — and there are people working on it)
After a few weeks reading and posting here I must say I do like and appreciate the warmth and dedication in that forum. Thank you all and keep up the good work and spirit.
Best regards from Jena (germany) -
RE: Two big two and people don't challenge that
@advocatux Thank You! I appreciate your approach, I´ll consider joining these groups (and services) later, I do not have the time (not right now) to dive into scripting in Linux and stuff
@hummlbach same same here: Thank You! from what I understand in that linked github-thing is that there might be a solution maybe soon for GUI-dependant dummies like me.
Sounds very promising and worth the wait for me!
I´ll be very happy once my personal set of requirements will be covered by UT ootb.keep up the good work everybody
and sorry @marek_python for hijacking your thread
RE: CardDav (contacts) support
I just returned after a few months pause to check out OTA 11:
without native carddav support implemented for contacts (google goes without words) or generic carddav in accounts (system settings) UT is no daily driver option for me. I´ll give it another try in six months or so ... -
RE: help needed with installation on nexus 5
@Lakotaubp Thanks anyway, I was about to give up and now I have a running system...
RE: What email service can you trust?
+1 for posteo
I do not use it myself and therefore can only mention it: mailbox.org might be another good option
and then there´s the free options Autistici + RiseUp - from what I know they depend on donations -
RE: Two big two and people don't challenge that
I´d like to add that it might not only be the fear of the unknown or the disability to new ideas (even though it may be true for a vast number of cases). I assume rather more than less would switch soon once they are presented a running system that fits their needs. But that “label” is likely to be seen differently by different people. And sure on top of that you get the habitat issues and what people are used to, I agree, that´s tough educational work....
My case does sure not reflect the majority but I think that quite some of those GUI dependent UT-aspirants out there are just hoping to have their core functionalities implemented in UT soon. Maybe we´re just a bit hesitant with the system as it is because not everybody is keen on learning how to script and dive into linux (Division of work has some good reasons :-))
But that does not denounce the "nerd" - instead the "UT-nerd" should take pride in the fact that he or she is working us all out of that dependency of the kraken. And that is a very important thing to do.
Hats off to everybody who contributes to Ubuntu Touch! -
RE: Ubuntu Touch version 17
@ubuntoutou thanks for your question, I was very confused by the version–numbering too,
thank you lakotaubp & advocatux for clarification