Cocos2dx / Cocos Creator
License: Cocos2dx: MIT / Cocos Creator: Proprietary
Language: JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript
Games made with Cocos2dx: several but not for Ubuntu Touch
[image: 1542451780788-cocos_creator_on_linux_mint-resized.png]
The Cocos Creator IDE uses Cocos2d-html5 under the hood. The engine is widely used in the industry and has lots of features.
At the time of writing there is no official Linux version of Cocos Creator but since it is an electron App the community member "sercand" was able to port it over by extracting the application from the Mac version. The electron version offered for download (1.9.0) is a little outdated by now but it should be possible to "repackage" a newer version of Cocos Creator too)
Main Features:
Scene editor
Tiled Map support
Physics system
User interface components and Visual UI designer
Step by step guide:
Cocos Creator
Unfortunately Cocos Creator doesn't run out of the box.
The IDE is missing libvips which needs to be compiled / installed first
In order to get the IDE running on Linux, you need to follow these steps:
Download the unofficial Linux Version 1.9.0 mentioned on this thread:
Direct download link:
Install libvips-8.4.2
Unfortunately the version in my Linux Mint 18.3 repos was too old so
I had to compile it myself:
You can find the compilation guide here:
download the source zip from here:
Install the mentioned dependencies:
build-essential, pkg-config, glib2.0-dev, libexpat1-dev
plus these ones in addition:
sudo apt-get install gtk-doc-tools gobject-introspection swig
Then run:
sudo make install
Run the Cocos-Creator IDE
The unofficial Linux version can't open a project from the dash board
so you need to run the dashboard first via ./cocos-creator
and create a new project.
The IDE is going to crash when you try to open the project
Run ./cocos-creator --path /path/to/my/project
And it will open the project in the editor ready to develop
In order to export your project, choose build from the project menu
[image: 1542452966237-cocos_creator_build_menu.png]
In the build dialog under "Platform" choose "Web Mobile"
[image: 1542453044432-cocos_creator_export_dialog.png]
After clicking on "Build", your HTML5 game gets created in the "build" sub folder.
see GDevelop5 for creating a click package.
[image: 1542453139495-screenshot_ubuntutouch-resized.png]