Got it installed finally
I had to make a live usb of 16.04 and run it on my pc ,i then followed the instructions provided by @Stefano
Up and running with 16.04 now ..At last !!!
Great thanks to you all for the Advice
I've found out that I can only pair my pro5 to a few cars not many. But if you are in the bluetooth menu it should give you the code to pair it's for me that the connection fails.
@zx81 it probably is the power button, mine at times only works on the bottom half of switch other times nothing happens for a few seconds. just an aside you say its not the battery. when you connect it to the charger do you see a battery graphic appear at all even for a few seconds. If not it might well be the battery.
The 5X is already being worked on by the Halium team, but is not generally recommended in the community due to its flash hardware defect. I've got one and I'm waiting for it to die in the next few months.
@Burak you're on the stable channel and "Ubuntu 15.04 (r1)" is the last OTA for now, but there are release candidate, and devel channels too.