Browser limits phone usability
@Moem That would be great. Did they mention any time this could happen? Since this is imminent a "we're planning it for some time in the future" doesn't seem sufficient...
@moodroid Last time I tried that, FF was neither working nor usable since not adapted to small screens and therefore not even completely visible.
Has that changed by now? -
@jojumaxx I think most of those issues were before Focal Fossa. A great tip from @arubislander is to add MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 to the exec in firefox.desktop. Libertine Tweak Tool for scaling and I'm sure there's further improvements that can be made also.
Sent from Firefox
@jojumaxx said in Browser limits phone usability:
That would be great. Did they mention any time this could happen?
No, but it's a 'it's currently working partially, and the features that don't work yet are being worked on' situation, rather than a 'this is in the plans for the future' one.
@Moem said in Browser limits phone usability:
another browser in the works
Is this a morph update (QtWebEngine) or a real new browser? @Lakotaubp some links about ? Thanks -
@Ian said in Browser limits phone usability:
Specifically I can't buy stuff from Screwfix
If you use a smartphone running Xenial, obviously, it will no longer work. With my Volla running Focal, I can reach the login page of the French mobile site. But I don't have an account so I won't test further.
@domubpkm said in Browser limits phone usability:
Is this a morph update (QtWebEngine) or a real new browser?
A real new browser with a different rendering engine, if i recall correctly. Alfred was talking about it.
@domubpkm I have a Vollaphone X running Focal OTA 4. I can browse their site and add things to my basket but I am unable to pay. Very frustrating. For those of you not in the UK Screwfix is a suplier of DIY goods.
Hello @Moem
@Moem said in Browser limits phone usability:
@domubpkm said in Browser limits phone usability:
Is this a morph update (QtWebEngine) or a real new browser?
A real new browser with a different rendering engine, if i recall correctly. Alfred was talking about it.
Could it be this one? -
@Bolly said in Browser limits phone usability:
Could it be this one?
Yes, I do believe that's it!
Be sure not to miss the Q&A tonight, you might hear more -
@domubpkm Some details in here
Sadly this is indeed a major problem right now since UT relies more on the web than the mainstream OSes. The issue with QtWebEngine/Chromium is a tricky thing to fix unless we find a way to move to Qt6 quickly and even then, we'll still have the problem of being always behind.
The browser Alfred is experimenting with is using Webkit which is what Apple uses in Safari and iOS browsers. It's very promising so far and progressing well. I guess it can already be a good workaround on some transactional sites. Currently, it still lacks basic functions though like for example good media playback and even pinch zoom. Hopefully, it can be released soon to the general public as an alternative for sites that are essential to some users that doesn't work properly in Morph anymore. -
@moodroid said in Browser limits phone usability:
A great tip from @arubislander is to add MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 to the exec in firefox.desktop
I tried that but noticed no difference.
Can you tell me exactly where to put that (line number) and what effect this is supposed to have? -
@jojumaxx Hi
In /home/phablet/.cache/libertine-container/focal/rootfs/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop
replace each occurrence of:
Exec=firefox ...
Exec=env MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 firefox ...lines 153, 200 and 222
Does that not allow you to do scrolling etc. with the touchscreen?
@kugiigi All one can wish for is, unlike morph and QtWebEngine, simplified updates (much less amount of development work) to ensure continued compatibility of websites.
@moodroid said in Browser limits phone usability:
In /home/phablet/.cache/libertine-container/focal/rootfs/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop
replace each occurrence of:
Exec=firefox ...
Exec=env MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 firefox ...lines 153, 200 and 222
Does that not allow you to do scrolling etc. with the touchscreen?
Thank you very much!
I had put "env MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1" after "Exec=firefox..." not before that, so that was probably my mistake. And I missed the first of the three appearances.
I can use the touchscreen now for scrolling etc. That's a great thing! It's pretty smooth in my opinion :smiling_face:
The only flaw is, that the onscreen keyboard doesn't always come up e.g. to type a new URL... Switching to another app and back seems to be a workaround. -
@jojumaxx excellent. Hope it does the job for you until this new browser appears
@uxes "site not found" -? when I click on the link.
@messayisto last artifact two weeks ago