Here the script I use to sync on UT my carddav account on my baikal server :
# This script is a draft combination of the script found at https://gist.github.com/tcarrondo
# It is more or less to remember what I have done to make it work for my Fairphone 2 with UBports ubuntu touch
# Combined by me: Sebastian Gallehr <sebastian@gallehr.de>
# Thanks to: Tiago Carrondo <tcarrondo@ubuntu.com>
# Thanks to: Romain Fluttaz <romain@botux.fr>
# Thanks to: Wayne Ward <info@wayneward.co.uk>
# Thanks to: Mitchell Reese <mitchell@curiouslegends.com.au>
# --------------- [ Server ] ---------------- #
#CAL_URL="https://domaine.ovh/baikal/html/cal.php/calendars/username/default/" # insert the CalDAV URL here
CONTACTS_URL="http://domaine.ovh/baikal/html/card.php/addressbooks/username/default/" # insert the CardDAV URL here
USERNAME="username" # your CalDAV/CardDAV username
PASSWORD="password" # your CalDAV/CardDAV password
# ----------------- [ Phone ] ----------------- #
#CALENDAR_CONFIG_NAME="Baikal" # I use "myCloud"
CONTACTS_CONFIG_NAME="Baikal" # I use "myCloud"
#CALENDAR_NAME="personalcalendar" # I use "personalcalendar"
#CALENDAR_VISUAL_NAME="BaikalCalendar" # a nice name to show on the Calendar app like "OwnCalendar"
CONTACTS_NAME="personalcontacts" # I use "personalcontacts"
CONTACTS_VISUAL_NAME="BaikalContact" # a nice name to show on the Contacts app like "OwnContacts"
CRON_FREQUENCY="hourly" # Sync frequency, I use "hourly"
export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$(ps -u phablet e | grep -Eo 'dbus-daemon.*address=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-[A-Za-z0-9]{10}' | tail -c35)
#Create Calendar
#syncevolution --create-database backend=evolution-calendar database=$CALENDAR_VISUAL_NAME
#Create Peer
#syncevolution --configure --template webdav username=$USERNAME password=$PASSWORD syncURL=$CAL_URL keyring=no target-config@$CALENDAR_CONFIG_NAME
#Create New Source
#syncevolution --configure backend=evolution-calendar database=$CALENDAR_VISUAL_NAME @default $CALENDAR_NAME
#Add remote database
#syncevolution --configure database=$CAL_URL backend=caldav target-config@$CALENDAR_CONFIG_NAME $CALENDAR_NAME
#Connect remote calendars with local databases
#syncevolution --configure --template SyncEvolution_Client syncURL=local://@$CALENDAR_CONFIG_NAME $CALENDAR_CONFIG_NAME $CALENDAR_NAME
#Add local database to the source
#syncevolution --configure sync=two-way database=$CALENDAR_VISUAL_NAME $CALENDAR_CONFIG_NAME $CALENDAR_NAME
#Start first sync
#syncevolution --sync refresh-from-remote $CALENDAR_CONFIG_NAME $CALENDAR_NAME
#Create contact list
syncevolution --create-database backend=evolution-contacts database=$CONTACTS_VISUAL_NAME
#Create Peer
syncevolution --configure --template webdav username=$USERNAME password=$PASSWORD syncURL=$CONTACTS_URL keyring=no target-config@$CONTACTS_CONFIG_NAME
#Create New Source
syncevolution --configure backend=evolution-contacts database=$CONTACTS_VISUAL_NAME @default $CONTACTS_NAME
#Add remote database
syncevolution --configure database=$CONTACTS_URL backend=carddav target-config@$CONTACTS_CONFIG_NAME $CONTACTS_NAME
#Connect remote contact list with local databases
syncevolution --configure --template SyncEvolution_Client Sync=None syncURL=local://@$CONTACTS_CONFIG_NAME $CONTACTS_CONFIG_NAME $CONTACTS_NAME
#Add local database to the source
syncevolution --configure sync=two-way backend=evolution-contacts database=$CONTACTS_VISUAL_NAME $CONTACTS_CONFIG_NAME $CONTACTS_NAME
#Start first sync
syncevolution --sync refresh-from-remote $CONTACTS_CONFIG_NAME $CONTACTS_NAME
#Add Sync Cron job
#sudo mount / -o remount,rw
#COMMAND_LINE="export DISPLAY=:0.0 && export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$(ps -u phablet e | grep -Eo 'dbus-daemon.*address=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-[A-Za-z0-9]{10}' | tail -c35) && /usr/bin/syncevolution $CALENDAR_NAME && /usr/bin/syncevolution $CONTACTS_NAME"
#sudo sh -c "echo '$COMMAND_LINE' > /sbin/sogosync"
#sudo chmod +x /sbin/sogosync
#CRON_LINE="@$CRON_FREQUENCY /sbin/sogosync"
#(crontab -u phablet -r;) # only if no other cron jobs already exist in crontab
#(crontab -u phablet -l; echo "$CRON_LINE" ) | crontab -u phablet -
#sudo mount / -o remount,ro
#sudo service cron restart
The script comes from the UT wiki, with some minor modifications.
As you can see in the script, I don't use the crontab services. I prefer to sync manually.
Here is the bash_aliases I use to sync my contacts :
alias SyncContact="syncevolution baikal personalcontacts"
Don't forget to set your favorite address book in Contact/Preference, to automatically add your new contacts to the synced address book.