FairPhone 2 it's a very good phone too, now you can find it a good price.
RE: Choosing a phone
RE: Proposal for a Telegram Stickers Project
Yes, I like it....Could be a good option.
RE: Camera app doesn't work
Strange...me on stable channel works fine..would be fine to know why..
RE: Q&A 44 This Saturday 16/02/2019 @ 19:00UTC
Hi, eveybody.....
Do we have had any contact with the Pine64 proyect and his phone? Do we have any new about Librem 5?
RE: N5 microphone problems
@Krille said in N5 microphone problems:
Hey, I had a similar problem. Then I have flashed for comparison LineageOS 14.1 and I still had this problem. So it looks for me like a hardware problem ... I have switched to another Nexus 5 for now
Yes, I had the same issuee too, I remember that I had to change the hardware.
RE: Which device to buy
@makeixo HI, I have an OPO and I had a N5, two great aspects, battery (better than N5) and the speed.
In contrast, the screen the N5 is better, however, has less battery durance.I have also a M10, and I'm very happy with it's perfomance, works very well.
RE: OnePlus One & Anbox
@liamolua Yes, it's working fine...the native apps work fastest, the rest no bad...On my opinion and in these moments anbox could be a good option if you need a special android app for any determinates moments or situations, but you are not going to find the same funcionality with respect to Android ecosystem,at least of the moment.
RE: TELEports. New Telegram app icon design
Maybe with any other colour...the design it's cool.
RE: It's Nearly Time!! Q&A 33 This Saturday 04/08 At 19:00 UTC
The other day Flo commented on the topic SDK, his intention is to solve all the problems it has. I don't know if those problems are easy or complicated to solve, if they need more or less time, but in my opinion after 4/16 when we are very close to a stable Xenial, it would be good to have the possibility of working with a stable SDK, it's important to have a general platform with sufficient guarantees in the creation of new applications.
Therefore, my question is ... In your current line of work, have you thought about working with the SDK to improve functionality?
Another question ... (I do not remember if we talk about this issue.) ..... The functionality of the battery, is it possible to improve the system on general, in terms of resources gestion for to have a best management of our batteries?
Thanks ... Good job! ... Great team !!
RE: Ubuntu Touch Programming Course
@flohack Great...It would be great, it's very important for the Ubports ecosystem to have a SDK working without give us a lot of isssues.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Programming Course
@mimecar Hi...In my opinion, LaTex is the best option, easy and with sufficient resources to guarantee a comfortable edition.
RE: Install browser-ng for QtWebEngine goodness
Hi everybody.., I've tried the new browser and itś working in general well...For any reason I can't to view netflish vids...and other problem it's with the keyboard dimension, full all screen.
Good job guys.
Itś strange, I have a OPO 64 and dont't have had any problem working on 15.04 or 16.04....Anyway I think could be much better to continue this converstation on it respective bug...Now a days I'm working on 16.04, if you want tell me steps to reproduce the bug...regards.
Merchandising UbPorts
Hi everybody.....Is there any possibility to buy stickers, shirts of UbPorts? ...Could be good to have any shop market for help the project.