@Luksus Hello everyone,
After testing this on my OP5 for the past 2 days and experiencing issues with the battery life (it only lasts for 2-3 hours with minimum use), I've decided to rollback to the stable kernel by using the updater (updating from the phone using the channels didn't work).
I will continue running more tests to try to see if this is an isolated case or not.
RE: Call for testing a the new build-variant "standalone-kernel-method" (vs. full-system-image)
RE: Call for testing a the new build-variant "standalone-kernel-method" (vs. full-system-image)
Just some preliminary report:
- I got the same error message as @danfro "invalid sparse file format.." but everything was OK and it flashed fine
- the keyboard is smaller??
- I've had a bug where I could not write anything and I had to reboot
- snaps after the space "hack" finally works again
- I can confirm the kernel config BINFMT_MISC is not set as you mentioned, but not biggie since winebox never really worked for me on this device.
I will apply now the battery saver ""patch"" and see if I notice some improvements. I will continue testing and report any findings.
RE: Call for testing a the new build-variant "standalone-kernel-method" (vs. full-system-image)
i am also willing to give it a try on my OP5, btw, does this also include the necessary flags to be able to run virtualization and winebox?
Thank you for your great work!
RE: Pebble Steel + Rockwork = ...
Rockwork works amazingly well on Xenial. Hopefully we can have it on Focal in the future. It's a great app. I am ready to help with it when needed.
RE: Looking for a new Apps maintainer
@josele13 Jami is already taking care of it
RE: Oneplus One Halium 9 port in the works...
@thevancedgamer sir, you are a hero.
RE: UT Installation failure
@magnargj Great tip about using a GOOD usb cable, that is always 50% of the issues when installing UT.. glad you got the nerve and patience to make this work!
Thanks for sharing this information
RE: An app for smartwatches that expect Android?
@moem Hello, yes that's the issue. I have the other watches paired with my other phones, they are not attached to the same phone, in fact, I've never tried doing it. Maybe Brian Douglass can give us more insight about this.
RE: An app for smartwatches that expect Android?
Rockwork is the reason why i have 3 Pebbles (2 PT, 1 HR) and they work fantastic on UT with exactly "all" of the configs you can get in the android ecosystem. Love those watches, I may buy some more of them just for the future. You never know!
I have 1 AsteroidOS watch as well but the development is sadly too slow and the battery of the watch barely makes half a day in the meantime with the Pebble's I can get an average of 8-9 days of use
RE: Convergence
@skafander sadly now it's just for video, but I remember seeing an old issue from canonical times where they were working to add audio support as well.. I am wondering now if i really understood that correctly or not.
RE: Vote for Protonmail native app
@c0n57an71n Great idea, I didn't know about this feature from ProtonMail. Voted! I've been using UT for more than 4 years already and ProtonMail for almost 3 years as my main email so this will be really a necessity for me sooner than later.
RE: Clock Redesign Ideas
@CiberSheep said in Clock Redesign Ideas:
Maybe going this way...
Looking good! It would be nice to have both options, analog/digital and we can have the right to choose what we want
Keep up the good work!
RE: Bricked my OnePlus One when trying to install Ubuntu Touch
Try with another usb cable, also connect it to an USB 2.0 port.. patience and don't worry, your device is not bricked..
When using the installer select your device manually etc.. -
RE: Nexus 5 media player issue
There is a hope that this issue will be fixed using the halium version for the N5.
RE: What language do you speak?
@Lakotaubp Well yes it happen, but it shouldn't happen because of what we call in aviation "situational awareness". If you are inside a controlled airspace and there are other pilots in the same airspace you and the ATC should speak in English to put everyone on the same page BUT even here in Czequia pilots often speaks in Czech instead. But well..
French is an ICAO language, such as Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and chinese. In Canada this is a PIA because they often speak French Quebec. Communication in aviation is gold.
This a bit OT yes
RE: What language do you speak?
@C0n57an71n said in What language do you speak?:
I've noticed, like all of you by now, that some users don't know or don't want to speak in english. I was thinking, at least for the new users who don't speak english, to put on our forum profile which language do we speak (if you want to disclose that). Maybe this will help the non-english speakers to seek help from a specific language speaker to guide them through (all done in private message).
And, to wash the bitterness of yesterdays conversation, here's a little real funny dialog:A Pan Am 727 flight, waiting for start clearance in Munich, overheard the following: Lufthansa (in German): "Ground, what is our start clearance time?" Ground (in English): "If you want an answer you must speak in English." Lufthansa (in English): "I am a German, flying a German airplane, in Germany. Why must I speak English?" Unknown voice from another plane (in a beautiful British accent): "Because you lost the bloody war!" Take it easy out there!
Also German is not an ICAO language so you are not allowed to use it inside controlled airspace so.. :P.
Argentine-Spanish-Czech here
RE: Alarm clock?
@scottbouch said in Alarm clock?:
OK, proper daft! after 2 weeks of looking, and just minutes after posting on the forum, I found it at the bottom of the clock app!
Logically I had expected alarms to be found with the three icons at the top for stopwatch and countdown timer. I guess there must be a reason for it to be in a different place to the other clock functions.
Cheers, Scott
Cheers, Scott
Yes. You are right. At first when you open the clock app you see in the bottom that says "Alarm". But after 3 seconds it dissapears! Anyway. Glad you found it. It would be nice if you enter the word "alarm" in the search bar of the app drawer and then you are redirected to the alarm page instead to open the clock app. The same for the rest of the system pages. As a shortcut. Right now that search bar is a bit useless
RE: LGE Nexus 5 (hammerhead)
@cela said in LGE Nexus 5 (hammerhead):
@kugiigi said in LGE Nexus 5 (hammerhead):
I'm not really sure if I installed it successfully because the micro-USB port of my Nexus 5 is really bad
I already have UT on it before installing this, is it expected that the user data is retained?So far, in my observation, it feels slower than the usual especially in the app spread which is a bit sluggish. It's working though so it's already a great progress. Keep it up
Good luck!
I thought the install didn't take at first, my user data was kept too, but then noticed the offline battery animation has changed for the better!. Hope video acceleration will fix the sluggish UI and video experience.
You are right. The lack of GPU acceleration is the biggest issue from my point of view. I really hope the debs will manage to get it working
RE: LGE Nexus 5 (hammerhead)
@cela awesome. The touch pad used to work well on the estable nexus 5. Now it doesn't work anymore. Glad to know it's working again with halium