tbh without explanation I consider this trolling.
RE: To ensure freedom of choice and privacy as the greatest good
Privacy problem due to journalctl?
I found that the logs of Morph Browser and also of Sapot Browser show the websites I have been on. This way the Logviewer app will show my browser history even if I cleared it in Morph and Sapot respectively.
Apparently the Logviewer app retrieves the logs from journalctl. So there seems to be no way to prevent this persistent record (as opposed to 16.04 where the logs were deleted when the logged app was closed).
Do I miss something or is this a privacy issue?
RE: How to connect Lenovo Tab to Samsung TV screen wireless
@arubislander Thank you!
I have to admit it's pretty silly to write that down and then make it unnecessarily difficult to understand.
I have set my device to English (US) and give this version:
On the Tablet
- turn on WLAN (BT not needed)
- go to System Settings/Brightness & Display
-- turn on External display
-- go to Wireless display
-- Samsung TV set should show -> tap it
-> UT appears on the TV screen in desktop mode
-> pressing "info" on TV remote control the TV says "Screen Mirroring"
-> Tablet display changes to kind of a touchpad with two buttons for left click and right click
-> Also tablet display shows a button for an onscreen keyboard which works when needed (e.g. Teleports)In order to return to TV go to System Settings/Brightness & Display and turn off External display.
(...)@arubislander I appreciate your approach.
RE: Privacy problem due to journalctl?
@Bolly said in Privacy problem due to journalctl?:
Could this be a good place? https://gitlab.com/ubports/development/core/morph-browser/-/issues
I put it there even though it seems to be a general problem of systemd/journald.
Thanks for your replies, guys.
Add Lenovo X605 to the UBports installer
Hello everybody,
will the above tablet be added to the installer soon to make it take part of OTA updates? As far as I can see it is the only somewhat up-to-date tablet supported by UT (and I have one).
Thanks and regards!
RE: I have ended my contract with the UBports Foundation
Thanks for everything! All the best to you!
RE: How easy is it to install Android 9 in preparation for Ubuntu Touch?
Bought a used one that came with Android8. Had to wait a few hours and it updated to A9 automatically.
Bought another one recently that came with A9.
Two important things:
Do not buy the 2 GB/16 GB device! It will not be able to update new OTAs because it is impossible to boot to recovery.
When installing by ubports-installer and your device is not recognized so you have to select it manually: You will as well have to change the channel from "stable" to "rc" (or "devel"). Else you end up with an error because the device doesn't update on "stable" (see https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/x605/ "Release Channels"). Took me some time to get that
RE: Volume is too low
Found it. It's the Sapot browser - don't know why.
Every other app gives sufficient sound, including the Morph browser."Man findet es immer da, wo man zuletzt sucht" - German saying, meaning "you always find it where you are looking last" (deepl).
Thanks again.
RE: Reading file size
@cliffcoggin See my above answer from days 8 ago :face_with_tongue:
How to connect Lenovo Tab to Samsung TV screen wireless
I have a
- Lenovo TB-X605L - rc channel - updateted 28.09.2022 (2022-W39)
- Samsung TV set (can't find out the model, large screen, pretty old
Turn on TV
The TV device has to be connected to your LAN (I guess. Didn't try without).On the Tablet (language is German, therefore you will have to guess what I mean)
- turn on WLAN (BT not needed)
- go to Systemeinstellungen/Helligkeit & Anzeige
-- turn on Externer Bildschirm
-- go to Kabelloses Anzeigegerรคt
-- Samsung TV set should show -> tap it
-> UT appears on the TV screen in desktop mode
-> pressing "info" on TV remote control the TV says "Screen Mirroring"
-> Tablet display changes to kind of a touchpad with two buttons for left click and right click
-> Also tablet display shows a button for an onscreen keyboard which works when needed (e.g. Teleports)In order to return to TV go to Systemeinstellungen/Helligkeit & Anzeige and turn off Externer Bildschirm.
tbh using the large TV screen as a display sucks because it's just too large. It's difficult to control the mouse pointer. May be changing the settings on the TV set or the tablet helps (I didn't try). Or maybe it's cool for watching youtube.
If you have a different Samsung device try it anyway. As far as I know Samsung has changed the OS on recent models but maybe it will work anyway.
RE: X306F - fastboot problems
Great! Thank you so much!I didn't get that README.md says "Reboot to fastbootd".
So when the device didn't boot up immediately after fastboot reboot fastboot (like it does after fastboot reboot bootloader)
I became impatient and pressed <Volume-down>+<Power> to end up in fastboot mode again.Now the device is up.
Thanks again!
And thanks to @rubencarneiro! -
RE: Nose award
@mrt10001 said in Nose award:
Without a hint of sarcasm, I would definitely not touch my phone with nose. When swabbed for pathogens, a phone screen is disgusting!
Why on earth would anybody use their own nose? Any nose will do, I suppose. "Sorry, don't move for a minute... Thank you!" It's as easy as that.
RE: How can I change scaling on 20.04. (focal) without UT Tweak Tool and without reboot?
Not really a solution:
I found that the image to flash to the system partition (i.e. "ubuntu.img") is a usual ext4-partition as opposed to the former "system.img" which is an Android sparse image.
So I mounted it, made it writeable, changed "GridUnit" in
, saved it and flashed it via fastboot. (I don't know how to do it if you're unlucky to run a windows machine).After rebooting*) the scaling was altered as intended.
So this is a way to change settings until the Tweak Tool for Lomiri arrives.
*)Fortunately the Lenovo tablet took only a few efforts to make it
RE: Focal and Waydroid news for Lenovo X605
@pe3noATo2DOTpl said in Focal and Waydroid news for Lenovo X605:
35.2). I cannot find any 4/64 X605 anywhere... and there are only very few of the 3/32 ones available so I'm thinking to maybe buy one of them... and to avoid 2/16, as you suggested
Sorry, I was confused because I have both a 2 GB RAM and 3 GB RAM device. The latter has 32 GB of storage (not 64).
The 2 GB RAM has 16 GB iirc. Can't check because I'm going through the usual struggle of booting right now :anguished_face:
RE: Focal and Waydroid news for Lenovo X605
Whatever you do do NOT buy the 2GB version of Lenovo.I'm happy with my 4GB device and I would purchase one for 170.
But if you do so be prepared for some booting problems. See some threads in this subforum.20.04 is the latest but hopefully not the last UT version for it. None of the UT devices has 24.04 (yet).