I am highjacking this thread just to say a BIG THANKS for the hard work on Ofono. It has been a long time since I tried to send a mms. I have Sony Xperia X(FOCAL Stable) and Google Pixel 3A(FOCAL Devel) as daliy drivers in my family and to my surprise mms is working, both sending and receiving. THIS have never fully worked with my carrier, EVER. So once agian a BIG THANKS
RE: Big thanks!
Postmarketos on the Ubports installer
I was listening to the latest Postmarketos podcast and found out that they have soon three phones which you could install their OS/GUI using the Ubports installer. It is the Oneplus 6, Shift6MQ and soon the Fairphone 4. Great work Postmarketos and welcome to our installer
Hear all about it here:https://cast.postmarketos.org/episode/23-PVR-SGX540-Kupfer-UBports-installer-SoCs-Phone-Testing-2/
Rpi News
Here comes little news regarding the Raspberry pi3 and pi4:
Capsia over at:have made a new image for the Rpi 3 and Rpi 4.
You'll find it here:
This is what Capsia wrote in the release note:
Hi! I finally have a focal image for the Pi. Please note that this is still in very early development and there may be issues. Currently known issues are that video playback does not work in the video app (only in the browser), the first boot is very slow and the Pi 3 is quite laggy with only 1GB of ram. This image has also been tested and works on the Pi4, other models such as the Pi400 may or may not work.
Ubuntu Touch on Pine64
I will try to sum up the things that Oren & Co over atis doing and the things you need to do to have the best exprience on your pine64 device.
The focus at the moment will be on Pinephone, Pinephone Pro, Pinetab and Pinetab 2.
This post will be updated when new things gets developed.PINEPHONE & PINEPHONE PRO
You need Tow-boot on the emmc to install Ubuntu touch on your phone:These procedures is still valid to install UT on your phone:
Here you will find the latest version to install:
From Oren on Telegram channel:
These are our images, ready for your usage, building daily. I’m still figuring out how we will have these distributed. I’ll be updating my gitlab page, the pine64 wiki, and the ubports wiki in the next few days pointing to here, most likely.You can select last successful artifacts or click on the “+View” button, then click to download the .raw.xz file of your respective device. then flash it in the same way as our downstream images.
Please note: these are still r/w and still have to be upgraded through apt. However, you should notice multiple improvements with ContentHub, the modem, and even GPS support.
To update your phone, run this in the terminal on your phone:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
Enter your password and press enterThis is done between the releases that Oren makes on his Gitlab page.
To have the latest version of UT, always make a new, fresh install of the latest version from Orens Gitlab page.
These are not pushed through apt. This will persist as long as we don’t have OTA:s on the phones.It is recommended to update the modem(SDK) and its firmware(ADSP).
You need to have ADB and Fastboot installed on your PINEPHONE to install these:https://github.com/the-modem-distro/pinephone_modem_sdk/releases/tag/0.7.2
The Modem-SDK release version 0.7.4 is more buggy/instable than 0.7.2.
The modem is like a computer and it talks adb and fastboot, that is why you need adb and fastboot installed on your phone.
If your carrier is not listed in the table on the ADSP-page, you’ll have to check which firmware that works best for your carrier. I don’t know when the table over the carriers was last updated, newer versions of the firmware could be a better experience.
If your carrier isn’t listed and you install a firmware that works with your carrier, please make a pr so it gets on the table.
On this Github there is a lot of help to get things set up in the right/best way, Such as Flashing, Settings, How to, etc. Please read it.Oren have made a Help guide to help you along the way of tinkering with your phone/tablet:
According to the 0.8 release, both the Pinetab and Pinetab 2 have U-boot preloaded, they don’t use Tow-boot to boot.Here is the latest version of UT, 0.9 in the writing:
Please leave a comment if there is something missing
RE: [QUESTION] choosing nexus 7 (2013)
@BigB The first N7 in the table is flo the other two is deb with different LTE depending on where you live. UT should work on all three. I don't have a N7 so I can't help you with the second question.
RE: I have ended my contract with the UBports Foundation
Godspeed and take really good care of yourself. -
RE: 6P not installable anymore?
Hi @rocket2nfinity
I guess that makes it 2 who used it as a daily driver
I suspects that @Flohack have to many devices to maintaine, maybe it gets ported one day when he has nothing else to do
Couldn't we have som download statistics on the device page? Showing how many downloads each ported device have since they was added to the ubports installer. I know this wouldn't be fair for those devices that hasn't made it to the installer yet. But none the less it would be interesting to see some numbers showing how active this project is. -
RE: 20.04 Pixel 3A
I suspect that I am on a older version that somehow blocks the updater to peform as it should. I reinstall the phone tomorrow to see if the updater works after that. Happy Christmas to you all
RE: Privileged ICE contacts and medical information available on lockscreen [WORK IN PROGRESS]
I have talked to the manager for the paramedics in my town today. He was very positive to the ICE contact integration on our operating system and that we was so devoted to have an unified icon for it. But the only suggestion he had was the “Star of Life”. So I will post here again when or if I get a response from EMS/NHTSA. -
RE: Raspberry Pi3 progress
I was thinking of using a pi 3 or 4. Maybe buying pieces of a pinephone, because then you'l have everything you need to have gps, wifi, mobile data and more, and put it in one of these:https://www.liymo.com/raspberry-pi/raspberry-pi-solutions/ByByte-double-din-raspberry-pi-monitor
A perfect car pc
RE: 20.04 Pixel 3A
This is the steps that I have done to reinstall Android:
Install latest version of adb and fastboot on your pc.
Install the ubports installer
Download the android 9 factory version sargo-pq3b.190801.002 from here:
Connect your phone to your pc
In terminal run
adb devices
to check if everthing is working as it should, a serial number will show up after the server is started.
In terminal run:
adb reboot bootloader
Extract the archive sargo-pq3b.190801.002
Open the sargo folder, right click on an empty space and choose Open terminal here(or type the path manually in the terminal to the flash-all(dot)sh script)
In the terminal run:
fastboot devices
to check that the phone is recognized by the pc, the same serial number will show up as the one that adb output
In the terminal run
sudo ./flash-all.sh
enter your sudo code and it will take a moment to reinstall Android.
After the phone reboots, enter developer mode and tick Usb debugging
Once again run in terminal
adb reboot bootloader
When the phone enters the bootloader run the ubports installer and follow the steps. -
RE: Privileged ICE contacts and medical information available on lockscreen [WORK IN PROGRESS]
Finally I got an answer from NHTSA and here it is:Thank you for proactively reaching out to NHTSA to use the Star of Life symbol. If you choose to use the Star of Life symbol itself, or a close iteration of such, you'll need NHTSA's permission to do so. The guidance for using the symbol is found on www.EMS.gov at: https://www.ems.gov/vgn-ext-templating/ems/sol/HS808721.pdf
If you choose to not use the Star of Life symbol, you will not need to seek our permission.
Unfortunately, the NHTSA Office of EMS is unable endorse one product over another. Since the In Case of Emergency (ICE) program is not one of our programs, we won't be able to create an alternative to the Star of Life symbol.
I hope this helps and please call me at xxx-xxx-xxx if you'd like to discuss this further or proceed to get permission from NHTSA to use the Star of Life symbol.
RE: Privileged ICE contacts and medical information available on lockscreen [WORK IN PROGRESS]
Here is another mockup, I used the colour palette of UBports to choose the background colour:
RE: UT update version 1583 broke the brightness adjustment on the Nexus 5
@lduboeuf nope back to edge for me, these issues was the main reason that I have been using the devel channel for quite some time now and there is no reason for me to stay on devel anymore. And yes this is my daily driver so I probably going to need to carry a charger and/or powerbank in my pocket :smiling_face:. @uwahl YES, great work, the developers are looking onto other things in the edge channel and things are moving, Keep up the great work you all. :clapping_hands:
RE: 20.04 Pixel 3A
@arubislander @Lakotaubp
Before I reinstalled my phone, I tried to switch to rc channel, I ended up in recovery. After I reinstalled the phone the updater worked as it should because I could switch channel, from devel to rc. So a heads up to all of you that cannot update your phones, it ends up in recovery. you need to reinstall your phone, first to android and after that to the latest version, either devel or rc, to make the updater to work as it should. -
RE: Oneplus 6T to daily drive? Please help
Look here to see what is working:https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/enchilada/
None of the devices supports VoLTE at the moment, it is being worked on, but it takes time.
RE: Privileged ICE contacts and medical information available on lockscreen [WORK IN PROGRESS]
Just me playing around a little with colors:smiling_face:
RE: Wondering how the work done elsewhere could be useful to avoid dropping M10 FHD from being supported
Hi @mez
I might be wrong on some of the things that I will list below to explain why some of the old phones/tablets will be dropped:Old kernel version: It has been mentioned that the kernel needs to be on a specific version and newer to support systemd. I don't remember what version it needs to be on to support systemd. This means that you need to upgrade the kernel. If I don't remember it wrong you need to upgrade the kernel with every release because if something breaks you'll need to fix it to procced to the next version of the kernel.
when that is done you'll need to rebuild UT to support the device, because UT supports the original kernel with the original version of android.
Probably will the drop of the 32 bit version of Ubuntu have some impact too. It will probably means that there will be no armhf version of UT.
The sum of all this is that it will take alot of work to bring the old phones with us in to the future, it is not, but close, to impossible to do this with the manpower that we have today.
the positive side is that 20.04 will be supported for 10 years, that will give us more time to work on UT.
RE: Is my N5's battery giving up after 7 years...
@Bramble Be very careful when opening the back cover, the plastic tabs that holds the cover in place breaks very easy. It's not meant to be opened. If I where you I would buy a new when buying the battery. Just in case, they are not expensive.