@domubpkm @Br1 I can confirm that on volla quintus (OTA-7 and devel channel) isn't working either. Same behavior as @domubpkm , call-recording locks mycrophone and speaker on calls. Nothing is captured on saved file.
There os anything i can do to track the problem?
(Another interesting thing is that looks like the install-script breaks the camera, it make camera app the capability of record videos. Uninstall the script or change between channels doesn't solve the problem, it is just solved by factory reset )
RE: [How-To] Record Calls
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 120 This Saturday 30th July At 19:00 UTC
I've got a question about camera applications but it isn't simple to explain so here we go:
AFAIK camera applications are pretty complex when to work. There is a mix to take a good photo between a good sensor and a good postprocessing image. There is a lot of work to make a good postprocessing image and I don't know if we've got the resources to make such thing to improve camera app so here is my question:
Doesn't would be better if we try to port megapixels app than keep using our camera application? I mean, maybe if would be better for linux community if we heep to improve this kind of application which is transversal to the users of several linux distributions than have each distribution our own app.
A good example of this is waydroid which is transversal to several distributions and is reaching a good state of use...
Thanks for all your hard work.
RE: Why uAdBlock currently no longer works
I assume that you finally turned it off definitively. I didn't know that this feature had this great cost until now. It is sad to say but this feature looks not sustainable for a small community like ours to keep this working just with donations (I desire to be wrong). I don't know if it could be done in another way. Anyway, Malte, thanks for all the work you have done. I'll try to send you a small donation this week.
Regards -
RE: I have ended my contract with the UBports Foundation
I hope that you recover soon Dalton. Thank you for all that you have done.
I hope see you here frequently once your had recovered. -
RE: Q&A 113 This Saturday At 19:00 UTC
I've got two questions:
(Maybe this is a dumb question but I'm far from be a developer) The migration to 20.04 is a project which had been take a lot of time but in terms of time and now mainstream version of Ubuntu is closer to 22.04 than 20.04. It would be possible to jump directly to 22.04 rather than 20.04? I know that there isn't yet a 22.04 release but I just wonder...
I know that this isn't a priority and that the community have limited resources but just wonder if the team has took a look over projects for Text to speech and Speech to text or assistants like Mycroft to implement them on UT
Thanks to the community for keeping this project alive ^^
RE: Smartwatch sync app
I'm waiting to have a companion app for pinetime :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Looks like the gitlab links are broken or you have a closed profile. I hope you have sucess with the app. I'll keep an eye here -
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 100 Saturday 8th May At 19:00 UTC
Hi, here is my question:
there are any plans to have a companion app for pinetime on ubuntu touch? ^^ -
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 89 Saturday 21st November At 19:00 UTC
I saw this week that purism announced that they will begin with the mass production of the librem5 so here are my questions:
There are news about development of ubuntu touch for librem5? Is stll planed to port ubuntu touch on librem5?
And other related:
How is going the work with pinephone?Thanks for your amazing job. (writed from my N5 with ubuntu)
RE: Launcher Modular
I'm thinking on a desktop-phone convergence and IMHO I like the drawer as is now, but it would make sense if launcher modular could be integrated in the drawer as the old scopes from Unity 7 was integrated.
The other way it would be to find a way to integrate it on de desktop background working as a widget, It would fit correctly as a widget on a desktop?
It is just an a Idea, since i'm not a developer i don't know if it could be done ^_^' -
RE: Launcher Modular
what will be the future for launcher modular now that drawer replaced scopes?
It will be possible to use launcher modular like a widget over the empty screen left by the app scopes?
Maybe that now that we have the drawer the main page where apps can be launched should be redisigned? -
RE: Q&A 59 Saturday 21st September At 19:00 UTC
Here is my question:
There will be any chances to have support for PineTime smartwatch on Ubuntu Touch if it were released with success?Great job.
RE: UI / UX discussion
@hummlbach said in UI / UX discussion:
by letter sounds good. Then it would be fine for me and also an improvement compared to the app scope now in my opinion. Here is an example for what I meant posted by @PhoenixLandPirat in https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/838:
TBH I like almost everything that how is now Unity8.
My usage (I'm righthanded)
To launch apps: 100%of times I launch favourites apps from launcher.
Apps that i don't usually use i launch it from scope (obviously xD).
To change apps: Usually use the long gesture to select to the window I want to. I don't use often the back to previous window for now. Maybe i would use more often the short feature if there would be more apps that uses multiple windows like dekko2.
I like the idea of the drawer and the idea to change apps scope to drawer since we can't mantain scopes. I'll miss scopes but @dobey have a point in the explanation to remove themThe only thing I would change (not sure if the problem persist) is that in desktop mode the right edge is very sensitive with a mouse and that the invocation of multitasking with right edge with mouse was very statick in my opinion compared to gesture animations.
Sorry for my English, I hope you can understand the message
RE: Problem with permisions debugging newapp
wow thanks for the info that will save me a lot of time investigating it. Now i'll try to use clickable in the next days...
Thanks a lot.
Advocatux, thanks for fixing my posts I didn't wanted to spam the thread just to say thanks xD -
RE: Problem with permisions debugging newapp
Sorry i was busy last days.
No, I made it with ubuntu-sdk.
I tried something
I converted the wav files to ogg files and i replaced the order SoundEfect to Audio.
Now i can see something interesting in the log but I need help with it too, maybe both were related at all.
As i Can in the click therre arent the sound files that i puted in the proyectI also don't know why it happens
RE: Problem with permisions debugging newapp
nope, I tried with the tablet and the phone in 16.04 and with the tablet in 15.04. Same problem.
I'll try to convert the files to ogg and check again -
RE: Problem with permisions debugging newapp
whatever, here is the log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KWKhc86H8w/
RE: Problem with permisions debugging newapp
yep I mean that when I click in the first icon of the topbar and begin to load it to pastebin it fails.