@luksus Quick check on calrndar, 28/10 Thurs. That would mean RC updated on 27/10 runs 7 days then updates on 3/11 catching last dev update on 28th. No dev updates no RC updates, meaning nothing on 10/11. That is if I have my dates right 🙂
AFAIK, nobody is working on support for Wireguard currently. Most device kernels also don't have support for it. I guess there is a way to do it only in user space, but I am not sure what all the requirements are.
If you want to open feature requests about what needs to be done to support it, and perhaps provide some pull requests for them, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated.
@phoenixlandpirat Apparently the new jami-qt client has a experimental feature called swarm chats (see the later part of the presentation) that uses some sort of git based system to merge chats between multiple clients and which should also allow syncing messages as soon as you come online (especially if you have a second desktop client with the same Jami account running somewhere that syncs as well). Not 100% sure if that will solve all those issues, but it seems like a big step towards making Jami quite a bit more usable under such circumstances.
@povoq Probably related to leap/non-leap year and maybe in combination with DST and timezone. I also have daily alarm and I remember them waking/pissing me up that day 😆