did you manage to install LibreOffice on your Ubports phone?
Do you use LibreOffice on your Ubports phone?
If so, which components of LibreOffice do you use?
Can you report bugs when using LibreOffice with your Ubports phone?

Peter Gamma
@Peter Gamma
The goal of the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland is to study the effect of practicing meditation on physiological parameters
Best posts made by Peter Gamma
LibreOffice on Ubports phone (survey)
RE: Recommendation for SD card encryption software on Ubuntu touch?
@josele13 Thanks for your detailed answer. Your profound advices are very helpful. I have to study this in detail.
RE: Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro (violet)
I don t have this device either, and I am not a porter as well, but I appreciate your work very much. Every contribution to the Ubuntu Touch community is helpful.
RE: Best recent phone hardware for install ?
For me personally, the winner is the port of Ubuntu Touch from Joel for the Xiaomi Poco F1 :
Joel, a passionate inter-disciplinary programmer who loves to code all night:
thanks, Joel, for your great work.
RE: Dual boot with lineage os
@c0n57an71n I admit, this is an advantage of the PinePhone. I also miss a dual boot option for Ubuntu Touch. Some apps only work on newer Android releases. I currently carry around three different Samsung Galaxy S5 devices with different Android versions. Each for it's on purpose. One for ANT+, one for writing capability to the SD card, and one for phone calls the latest Android apps. With Ubuntu Touch, there will be one device more. Multi boot could solve the problem.
RE: Request list for other devices in the device subfolders
@flohack I don't agree with flohack. Even when developers are not present in the forum, every knowledge about devices is precious. For instance, there is a problem with the different types of Xiaomi devices, which their exact model naming. A subfolder for each Xiaomi device which is ported, or generally for each device which is ported would be helpful. Every port is precous work and deserves a subfolder, a subfolder for each device someone requests. Even if there is no further developement for a device, it is good to know the different devices, their naming, and what is working, and what is not working. This can help which device to choose. Else this information is scattered everywhere.
RE: Xiaomi Redmi 7 review and beginner questions?
@tchan the developement of the Xiaomi Redmi 7 seems to make progress. Could you inform us, when the Ubports installer for the Redmi 7 is there?
RE: Share Ubports Folder On Local Network?
Thank you both for your answers:
@arubislander: I I suppose Syncthing will solve my problem the easiest way. I use my phone since many years man.y for writing. There are thousands of files on my SD card which I don t want to loose. My main motivation to choose a Linux phone was that I expected an improve in file access possibilies. This is there, but mainly for progammers. Syncthing is also available for Android, and there are apps available to control mouse and keyboard in Android. Therefore I don t see a reason why to use a Ubports phone instead of an Android phone. Softmaker office on Android is as the desktop app.
The PinePhone has at least the option to write to the external SD card, and internal and external SD card can be acessed over Jumpdrive. This seems to me another easy solution.
@ pctrl : Thanks four your detailed instruction. Happy that this option works for your you. I saw some videos about SSH. It seems a bit too big for my application. It also seems that not many use their phone in that way, else it would be better implemented.
I also thought about a Rasperri Pi with Ubuntu desktop to get all the options, but it is not so handy. But I eventually will carry around such a device with an image of home assistant for sensor data acquistion, which is only available for Rasperri PI.
Thank you for your support
Deloper wanted for server app developement
TechHut demonstrated, that it is possible to run Nextcloud, Jellyfin Media Server, and Minecraft Server on a PinePhone:
To run these servers on a Linux phone makes file access from phone much easier, and it makes it suitable for mobile use, where there is no cloud available or wanted. Developers wanted to develop a Nextcloud, Jellyfin Media Server, and Minecraft app which can be downloaded from the Ubports app store. If these apps are available, I will buy again a Ubports phone.
RE: Request list for other devices in the device subfolders
@applee I want my four missing Xiaomi folders that I requested, or I will ignore everyone who is against it.
Latest posts made by Peter Gamma
RE: PinePhone keyboard experiences (part II)?
@Lakotaubp Thank you for your support for the Pinephone Keyboard. Unfortunately I lack of support to fight for the Pinephone Keyboard in the Pine64 forum. So I invite you the help me to fight that is comes back. I invested a lot of time in Office solutions for the Pinephone. These basically only make sense with the Pinephone Keyboard.
RE: PinePhone keyboard experiences (part II)?
I had a Pinephone keyboard with Ubuntu Touch. Then I bough the Pinpephone keyboard, but it did not work with Ubuntu Touch. Ubuntu Touch was not on the list of the supported distros in the Pinephone keyboard offer in the Pine64 shop. So I had to flash postmarketOS on it. This was some time ago.
But I thought the keyboard should work now right out of the box with Ubuntu Touch?
Lakotaubp wrote 28 days ago @Peter-Gamma
«The keyboard works with the PPP and as far as I know should work with the PP. «
Such a pity that the Pinephone keyboard is not available anymore. Please write in the Pine64 forum to bring it back!
RE: Is there a decent text editor for Ubuntu Touch (part II)?
Alaraajavamma from the Pine64 forum uses Abiword and Gnumeric on the Pinephone. And jackfish has installed box86/WINE with Word97 in the Pinephone:
He says LibreOffice has laggy typing on his Pinephone, but Word 97, once the program is up, it's as robust as anything on the PP. All its features function..
Jackfish is an experienced Word 97 user who used the Gemini PDA Personal digital assistant. Word 97 would eventually be the best office software for a 5,5 inch Pinephone screen. And also the Pinephone the best device for office application development.
But Pine64 has pulled the Pinephone keyboard from the market and leaves me and Jackfish completely frustrated. Also Jackfish wrote in the Pine64 forum, he bought the Pinephone only because of the Pinephone keyboard.
RE: Is there a decent text editor for Ubuntu Touch (part II)?
I tried Office on Android and it's not at all something that I can consider usable.
I used Softmaker Office for Android for many years and was completely happy with it. I did not write books with it. But the Office Softmaker app has all the functions of the desktop app.
After investigating many years Office solutions for Linux phones, I am currently going back to my Android phone with Softmaker Office. Softmaker Office offers all the functinality of the desktop software on the Android phone and is touchable. I am suprised that this app is not better known.
What i am happy about Android phones that my mini keyboard with trackpad I used for many years works at the first attempt today again.
What I am not happy about is that everytime i type somethine with Sofmaker Office new windows open which I cannot close easily.
And what I am not happy about is that I now need to use a NextCloudPi server if I want to use my office files on my Android phones and on my PC and don't want those data in the cloud.
I was unappy after Android 4.4, when it was not possible anymore to have office files on the external SD card for a data exchange to my PC.
I had the hope that Linux Phones could solve this problem. But it seems to me personally that NextCloudPi and my Android phone with Softmaker Office is the easier solution than Office on a Linux phone.
RE: Are there any privacy issues if we choose a phone from Google like the Google Pixel 3a/3a XL?
@MrT10001, thank you for your answer.
I found very interesting information about the Google Pixel 3/3a security:
“A Pixel 3 with an unsupported version of GrapheneOS on it is still the most secure OS on the market. “
RE: Do usb keyboards work with the the Pixel 3?
Keyboard and mouse work which is great
as soon as these office apps I mentioned here are in the open store:
I will replace:
my Android phone and
my Pinephone
by a Pixel 3 with Ubuntu Touch for mobile office
But only the Light P Word Processor in th OpenStore is too litte to make me change.
RE: Pinephone Pro could be a daily driver except for 1 bug...
@Frayedknot For me personally it is currently more a device which drives my crazy daily. I thought it could be my a daily driver. But it turned out to be not. Not as a privacy phone, to expensive in Switzerland. And not as a privacy phone for a writer. No Pinephone keyboard avaiable anymore :angry_face_with_horns: .
Do usb keyboards work with the the Pixel 3?
- We had here a discussion about Bluetooth mice and the Pixel 3:
But I want to use the Pixel 3 as my privacy phone and as privacy phone as a writer.
And I am against wireless peripherals for privacy phones.
There is a 7 inch usb keyboard available for the Pinephone incl. case if we built it ourselves:
- But do usb keyboards also work wth the Pixel 3 and Ubuntu Touch?
Is there a decent text editor for Ubuntu Touch (part II)?
Part I:
For Anna the problem is solved, but not for me personally. After I investigated about this topic for several years, I am still investigating.
And that is office applications on Linux phones
The situation has become better for the Pinephone, since I started as a physiologist to install LibreOffice on the Pinephone supported by the Pine64 forum
It took me almost a month every day working a little bit on it, only ot find out about that LibreOffice is not usable on the Pinephone screen.
But we have now two years later after my installation effort for LibreOffice on the Pinephone the following result
LibreOffice is in the postmarketOS app store
Abiword is in the postmarketOS app store
jackfish from the Pine64 forum has installed Word97 on his Pinephone in box86/WINE
Word 97 is one of the greatest offic applications for the Pinephone
It is a real desktop app which was widely used 27 years ago.
But now the Pinphone keyboard is not available anymore. So why then still buy a Pinephone?
And what is about Ubuntu Touch?:
we have the Light P Word Processor in th OpenStore:
should not im principle all the apps which run on the Pinphone also run on Ubuntu Touch?
and should not in principle the office apps which are available for postmarketOS app store for the Pinphone also be in the OpenStore?
And these are LibreOffice, Abiword, Gnumeric
And would it not be highly desirable that also Word97 is availabe there?