Godot 3D Test
@jezek On my FP2 halium 5:
Simple test: 53 fps
Particle system: 32 fps
Dynamic lights: 17 fpsI guess the test should be ran multiple times since it does not reflect what I saw
@emphrath I've made another test. It turned to be more consistent with yours (see original post).
@mateo_salta Yeah I used @abmyii 's hidden technique
@kugiigi Hmm, I guess it has very little HW acceleration to speak of... Does it even have a GPU at all?
add arm64 support. I'm sorry it took so long. A lot of work, I don't have time to update applications
I hope there will be more time in August.
@abmyii AFAIK GPU is not used currently.
That explains the low results. -
Simple test: 48 fps
Particle system: 37 fps
Dynamic lights: 24 fps -
OP 5
Simple Test 60fps
Particle System 49fps
Dynamic Lights 38fps -
What do these abbreviations/indicators mean?
How should they be interpreted? What is good or not? What is the best smartphone ?
Now that there are a whole bunch of screenshots, who can tell from this.
Thanks -
FPS is frames per second.Simple test is simple 3D rendering with no effects, particuls is 3D rendering with particules projection effects (smoke, dust, stuff like this), dynamic lights is for lihgts that change during time, but i may be wrong.
The only purpose of that is to know device 3D rendering power, a geek thing most.
@applee Ah, makes sense. A bit of a shame though... Are there any "distros" that use the GPU for Pinephone?
I'm not sure, but I think it's a driver integration problem so maybe with other kernel versions it can work.
I guess it could be different with other distros but if it work on one it's good news for the others. -
To whoever uses Goggle pixel 3a ..... congratulations, it's a great phone,
I show the test of the Xiaomi Note 7,
Regards... -
@kugiigi I took my Pinephone out of the dust and spiders and updated it: so as we see, it is possible to test Godot on it. In an easy way ? Can you put a link of a non official .click for Pinephone ? as currently, the last official @pavelprosto .click crashes. Thanks
Planet Cosmo, but still can't figure out how to take a proper screenshot...
@moncon said in Godot 3D Test:
but still can't figure out how to take a proper screenshot...
- press volume up and down together.
- long press on power until shutdown/restart options appear, then take the third option "screenshot".