@Kamikaze Love to hear that things are looking good for the Fairphone 5, its my current daily driver and I would love to give it a try with UbuntuTouch
RE: Best way to support Porting / Checking Status for the Fairphone 5
RE: I made a Quick start guide on how to make Python apps.
@developerbayman Sorry for the late response. My site is currently down to reduce server cost (Inflation hits us all). Here is the guide: https://web.archive.org/web/20220515161326/https://aaron.place/blogs/UbPortsPython.html
RE: Waydroid / Waydroid Helper
@ian I am not guaranteeing anything at all and a certain risk always remains when installing Waydroid, but we think that with the new update the risk of breacking something should be significantly lower because we updated the installer after Flo made us aware of a security Issue.
Both the Installer in Helper and the Guide here in the forum were adapted accordingly.
As I said though, no guarantees!
Who of you is on Mastodon?
Hi everyone, a small off-topic post today. I was wondering who of you guys use Mastodon as I am always looking for new people to follow.
RE: Waydroid Helper app - A collection of scripts to improve the Waydroid user expierience.
@mschmids Thank you for your feedback. There currently is a pull request pending that should fix the issue with appending. The other stuff will have to wait until I find time.
RE: UB Ports funding
@applee I think that is a great proposal
and Id love to help where I can. Why not work out a concept together with everyone that is interested and put something on paper? Maby we could organize a VideoConfrence or a thread (or both) to create a concrete Plan?
RE: UB Ports funding
@alter Agreed! Why not take the Wikipedia approach and put a fat banner up that only disappears when the goal is reached. Sometimes you need to annoy people a bit to get them donating.
RE: Why uAdBlock currently no longer works
@john-silver I think cofunding is not really an option considering that the monetary resources of the foundation are also quiet limited. Either way I agree, that not everything has to be free of charge. Implementing something like paid apps is pretty hard to implement on UT at the moment I guess.
RE: Why uAdBlock currently no longer works
@beli3ver Oh wow... I had no Idea that Uadblock requires such effort to keep running. I will make sure to donate some money later today and encourage others to do the same, even if you decide to take it down to atleast compansate a fraction of the cost that this resulted in for you.
RE: WebApps / Webber
@ra Webber is great if you rely on certain webapps. Creating webapps for the open store can make sense in some cases but you should be just fine with webber for most things. You can actually share a website from morph to webber to create a webapp.
RE: Community UBports its future
@josele13 just to add to this, if you cant donate or dont want to for whatever reason, there are many other ways to contribute to UT. Including testing, translating and so on.
Here is an interesting thread on how to help: https://forums.ubports.com/topic/6991/how-can-i-help
RE: .NET6 on UT
@arubislander Thats actually an interristing thought. I wonder what it would take.
RE: The future of the UbuntuTouch Q&A
@doniks said in The future of the UbuntuTouch Q&A:
Good question. I would hope that some form of regular live news/Q&A show could be maintained.
Just my two cents: I think biweekly is too much. It becomes a big workload for the ppl doing it.
I definetly agree, once a month is probably enough. I think it is also a great opportunity to rethink the QA and maby put it in a more open context, maby similar to the Volla Community meetings. They invite people to public jitsi calls and allow questions from listiners through this meeting. This sometimes results in great discussions. I believe a format like this could defintly benefit from longer pauses.
The future of the UbuntuTouch Q&A
Hello everyone,
you may have heard that Dalton stepped back from his contract at the UbPorts fundation(more). With him leaving, the future of the Ubuntu Touch Q&A becomes uncertain. The Q&A has been part of community developement and information for 4 years now and I think it would be a bummer if it got lost, as it always was a great way to get an overview about what is happening in the foundation, developement and what is important at the moment.Lets get to the point :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, I would love to learn more about how the Q&A was organized in the past, who decides what the future will look like and how we as the community or I as a single person can help to preserve the Q&A. I would also love to start a general discussion about the Q&A and what its future schould look like.
ps. I wish Dalton all the best for his future
RE: I hosed my UT install.....
@flohack Hey, im the dev.
We currently have a big disclaimer in the app that explains the risk and lists theoretically supported and tested devices. You have to click a red button saying "I understand the risk" to even start the installer.
I plan to implement device verification but havent found time yet. I will add another warning to the openstore description asap.
RE: Scroling application on Volla Phone is very sluggy
@s710 I am not sure if anyone ever contected Hallo Welt directly about it but ive read about it many many times and always wondered what was the issue. I really cant Imagine that the VollaPhone is to slow for acceptable scroll speeds and the situation on Android is way better.
RE: Chromium & Electron
@nero355 Yo... you dont get the point. You dont have to like Electron/Flutter or whatever. UT is an open OS with a small community of developers. Discouraging people the way you do helps no one.
Electron might not be your choice of application. Fine.
Other people might like it and more options will just result in more devs being motivated to try stuff on UT.
Take my apps for example... Python + QML? An inefficient combination for sure, but it allowed me to write apps that help hundreds of people and I certanly wouldnt be writing them if someone like you would have discouraged me right from the get go and told me it was stupid when I first asked questions about it.
RE: I have ended my contract with the UBports Foundation
Thank you for all that you have done for our community. Make sure to take all the time you need to recharge or find a new passion alltogether.
You are the reason I stuck with UT and started developing for it. Thank you for that.
There will be a special place in the heart of the UbPorts community for you