@hlbkv Try UT Tweak Tool from OpenStore and under Scaling change grid units to 11. Then everything lines up. Cheers
RE: Post your thoughts here on this tablet...
RE: Volla tablet arrives in April
@aimar Checked with Volla customer service yesterday re delivery and their reply was that the tablet with UT was not ready to ship yet. Only shipping the tablet with Volla OS. They did not give any idea when it will be ready.
RE: Installation on PineTab 2 not persistent
@davidoclubb Took a few attemps but this is what worked for me. Using the link provided earlier, under Installation Instructions you will find 'Command-line tools'. I used the .dd one. Do take note of the 'Note' re image extenstion and device name.
In Summary- Used balenaEtcher to flash UT image to sd card
on PC - On tablet run UT via sd card & download latest
UT image - Re name image
- Check eMMMc name using lsblk command
- Then sudo dd.... etc
- Power down, remove card
- Reboot
I am sure there are easier ways but I am no expert so can only tell you what worked for me.
Hope this helps
- Used balenaEtcher to flash UT image to sd card
RE: Installation on PineTab 2 not persistent
@davidoclubb Yes, I followed the instructions from here https://pine64.org/documentation/PineTab2/
Hope this helps, Cheers -
RE: Installation on PineTab 2 not persistent
@davidoclubb Its all new to me as well. Got it going by flashing UT to a sd card. The pinetab 2 sould boot from card first. Sometimes for reasons unknown to me, it will boot from the eMMC instead. Then use the supplied UART adapter which seems to make it boot from sd card.
Cheers -
RE: TELEports menu bar missing on Pixel 3a, no forward/delete etc. options in messages
@smithe Here is a post from the telegram group
So to sum it up, everyone who has no header in Teleports (should be only with fresh install and current version of Teleports) do this:- close Teleports
- find Teleports config file home/phablet/.config/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports.conf
- open in an editor (on device could be Seabass2) or in terminal use nano
- edit the uitkTheme setting so the entry is uitkTheme=
- restart Teleports
Worked for me
RE: Wifi, battery and pinetab 2
@FP2andFP3-User Approx half as fast as using a dongle connected to the same source. I believe the driver for wifi is still in its early stages. Cheers
RE: Wifi, battery and pinetab 2
@FP2andFP3-User Wifi works, a little slow. You just need to enable it once UT is installed. Battery life very good, charges in a couple of hours.
RE: The state of Volla x23, for all users out there.
@Rinkeby Volla have a FAQ section on their web site with information about setting up/running dual boot. You cannot update via OTA or change channels. You update within dual boot when an updated image is released. Cheers
RE: Jingpad isn't detected in USB for installing Ubuntu-Touch
@Suleiman Same for me. I just select the Jingpad manually and all works fine. Cheers
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 123 call for questions
@Lakotaubp Thank you for the link, Cheers
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 123 call for questions
@Keneda I see, that makes sense. Thank you for the answer.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 123 call for questions
@UBportsNews I was wondering what the path/procedure is for ports to end up on the UBports installer ie the PinePhone/PineTab2 focal port? Cheers
RE: Screen replacement on volla phone 22
@myrtaki I think I read somewhere on telegram that an update for the new screens would be released at end of this month or early August. I would check with customer service again, or ask here https://t.me/hello_volla before buying another screen.
@cannonfodder Try the following. Turn off the pad completely. Once you are sure it has shut down, Hold the power button down, wait one second then hold the 'volume down button' as well until the Logo appears then release both buttons. It is all about timing. If you are too early/late with the volume button, then you have to power down again and try again.
It took me a few attempts at first. Also note the pad cannot be completely shut down if plugged into any power ie charger or computer.
What worked for me, was too boot into recovery (via buttons or command), then start the installer, select Pad manually, follow installer instructions and when the instruction is to boot into recovery, then plug the pad into the computer.
Hope this helps
Cheers -
@cannonfodder Ok, so what OS is installed? Cheers
RE: Ubuntu Touch on JingPad
@writersglen As i understand it, you need Unisoc USB drivers to unlock. Unisoc only makes the drivers for windows. Unisoc is not open source. I had to visit a friend with a windows laptop to unlock, then used the installer via Ubuntu. Just a note, you also need Jing OS installed on the pad. Cheers
RE: Ubuntu Touch on JingPad
@writersglen Instructions here https://forums.ubports.com/topic/7567/how-to-install-ubuntu-touch-on-the-jingpad-a1-c1/31 You need windows to unlock bootloader, installer on linux is fine. Cheers
@cannonfodder Try sudo reboot -f recovery