There is official support from FP on the FP4 page.
See "contributors" part.
Also on top :
UBports builds this port in collaboration with the phone maker.
Expect long-lasting support since we have an official agreement with the partner.
There is official support from FP on the FP4 page.
See "contributors" part.
Also on top :
UBports builds this port in collaboration with the phone maker.
Expect long-lasting support since we have an official agreement with the partner.
Yeah I think I mixed with FP4 which has official support for sure, I'm dumb
@kuuga said in I want installing Ubuntu Touch on a Google Pixel 3a problems:
What brand of USB cable do you usually use for this process? Could you recommend one?
Just use a good data capable USB cable, anyone in good condition.
Also, prefer if you can, using a USB2 plug on your PC, some issue can occur with USB3 plugs.
@Ida_ said in The best way to rince and repeat:
do I need to reinstall the correct Android version before running the UBports installer again?
Not if you installed it on the first run.
@kugiigi said in Device recommendation for VoLTE support:
Not sure yet if it'll get the same love as the Fairphone 4
That would be very awkward for a promoted device with official Fairphone support for UT.
@ywilien you can add Fairphone 5 on your list.
The thread is about FP4, not sure it has same features working as FP5 ^^
That kind of support is in the hands of porters.
You should open a feature request issue on device GitLab :
I think he talks about read only system files.
@Opino said in Need testers Home Screen for Ubuntu Touch:
Thank you @pavelprosto for this app.
Yes he did good work.
Sadly we don't have any news about him for a long time now.
As he is russian i wish he is in a safe place.
That would not be a problem for average users to reinstall if it was possible to save user data easily, using the installer for instance.
My question is to know if that new "week dev thread" is about only noble (24.04), or whole OS subjects (fonctionnalities for instance), or any dev subjects related to UT (like new devices from core team).
@danfro said in This week in development (week 52 2024):
Its about a Noble based version of Ubuntu Touch (the OS).
I meant "about 24.04 version of the OS, or the OS in general".
You answered.
@mariogrip said in This week in development (week 52 2024):
I'd like to start posting weekly development updates here on the forums - this is a bit of an experiment, so please let me know if you find these updates useful and what could be improved. The goal is to provide a high-level overview of our development progress.
Is this is only about 24.04 or OS (see my signature to have a clue of my wonder ^^ ) ?
And yes, I bet it will interest lot of people whatever the subject is.
As @AppLee said you don't sound rude, just honest.
But what you don't understand is that Ubuntu Touch is like that since the beginning, Canonical made it that way (read only in first) and users like me that adopted it since that time don't need a phone system with full access all the time.
Like already said if you want you can make it full read/write in a persistent way.
Or like you experimented, temporarily untill next reboot.
That can be useful, but for normal users for whom the system is designed, again, since the beginning, it is not mandatory or a normal use case.
If you want to continue with Ubuntu Touch on a normal way, you should consider trying to achieve what you want/need in respect with this particular behaviour of the system, like some Devs already did with crackle or things like that, I'm sure this would be a welcomed contribution.
Or maybe, like said @AppLee also, Ubuntu Touch is not what you need.
Did you read my message above ?
You CAN make the system r/w.
Now if you want that the Devs change Ubuntu Touch just for you that will not happen.
You're not the first to ask, you'll probably not be the last disappointed.
And no, android is not what "common" people using Ubuntu Touch want.
@manoiese said in Libertine on Ubuntu Touch: Poor Performance and Issues with "Read-Only" File System:
Even after attempting to remount it as read-write (rw), the system continues to revert to a read-only state after rebooting, making any changes temporary at best.
First, the read-only file system is by design for important reasons. UT is designed for "normal users" before all.
Second, for Devs like you, it is possible to make it r/w in a persistent way, I don't remember the command line, but you can do it using Ubuntu Touch Tweak Tool app anyway.
@moaner said in Oneplus Nord N100 boot failure:
so your boyfriend's abruptness seemed a bit like a tone problem
You felt "bossed" and that was not my intention. I apologised but that's not enough for you ?
So you think you have the right to call Moem, that know me and my intentions better here because she is part of the community for much more time than you, with names ?
You're not on X here.
You're on a European forum for a worldwide open-source project with open-minded people from Earth.
@moaner said in Oneplus Nord N100 boot failure:
why are you being bossy
I'm not.
Sorry you feel that way.
I intended to be clear.