@reeered start by restoring your device with Xiaomi's tool: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/miflash-guide-use-xiaomi-flash-tool.4262425/

RE: How to expand the root partition ?
RE: What kind of smart watch do you use (or would use if it had an app on UT)?
@Moem a bit too much happening at work, I didn't have the energy to do anything
buuuut we did figure out that Pebbles work fine on focal, the issue is in the RockWork app and it would need a reimplementation - probably less work for me to add Pebble support to mine once it actually exists.
Other than Pebble, I definitely plan to support PineTime (with Infinitime) from the start since it seems like the second most popular one.
RE: What kind of smart watch do you use (or would use if it had an app on UT)?
@mymike Btw some watches require an account to set up, so I plan on having some functionality for that anyway - might be able to pull data from a Garmin account too if they are not changing that too frequently.
RE: What kind of smart watch do you use (or would use if it had an app on UT)?
Ah, I didn't see the uWatch app before, I guess it was never in OpenStore? Based on the limited number of responses it lookes like PineTime might be the second most popular one after Pebble. I also had no idea it shipped with a default OS, no info on the store page (but that makes things easier).
@mymike Which model is that? I'll probably get a Garmin once I get back to running properly
Though if it syncs with WiFi a lot of the functionality might not be possible without an account and the official app. Sniffing BT is not hard, but the log file contains all Bluetooth traffic the phone participated in, and even if you filter it for the watch only, that can potentially still contain personal/confidential information (notification content, health data, etc). Not something you want to share imo.
RE: What kind of smart watch do you use (or would use if it had an app on UT)?
Oh fun, PineTime uses the same IC that Bangle.js 2 uses, so the OS I'm making for that would also work on PineTime
RE: What kind of smart watch do you use (or would use if it had an app on UT)?
@wgarcia Do you mean PineTime or did they release something new? PineTime is a bit complicated, because there are so many options for the OS - so I guess it would rather be "support for Infinitime OS watches" rather than PineTime specifically.
So for PineTime if everyone could also mention the OS they are using on it it would be nice (and if you are running any non-stock OS on any other watch it would be good info as well, AsteroidOS is probably popular but there might be more).
What kind of smart watch do you use (or would use if it had an app on UT)?
While waiting for my Pebble Steel to arrive (so I can debug why it refuses to work on more recent BlueZ) I'm working on an app for a few smartwatches/bands I have (generic M16-mini, Amazfit Bip, Bangle.js 2, possibly Amazfit Stratos and Huawei Band 7).
I'll make it generic enough to make it easy to add new watches/bands (but at the same time support as close to 100% of the device functionality as humanly possible), but if there is a particular device a lot of people use or want to use I could try to get it and add it in the first release.
RE: 0.9.10-beta failure on Ubuntu
@MrT10001 This is very weird, because we ship all the executables in the installer itself. On Windows I would guess that maybe when you install adb/fastboot you also get the drivers, but that definitely doesn't happen on any Linux distro.
What happens if you try to use the installer without having these installed on your system?
RE: Call/number blocking wish list
@domubpkm I have a plan and did some research, but no concrete implementation yet - I do think I could start some tests in the near future though. I'll keep you all updated in this thread.
RE: 0.9.10-beta failure on Ubuntu
Just to clear some stuff up.
@MrT10001 said in 0.9.10-beta failure on Ubuntu:
I have the latest ADB and fastboot which is working with all else.
The installer has its own adb and fastboot, it won't use the system ones unless you tell it to.
@MrT10001 said in 0.9.10-beta failure on Ubuntu:
At the moment the 0.9.7 installer is stable and fine.
@stanwood said in 0.9.10-beta failure on Ubuntu:
@domubpkm Don't know it it's related, but I've got an error message when opening UBports Installer.
It says that I run the 9.7 pre-release, which is however the stable release.Doing a snap refresh command returns that I'm running the latest stable software...
There was an issue with the version check, will be fixed in the next release.
I'm not sure who decided to put clearly marked beta versions on a stable channel, but until you see a 1 at the start of the version none of them is going to be more stable than the other. If you have issues with some version I'd start by using AppImage instead of an older version - snap is very often the reason for USB issues and generally newer versions have important bugfixes.
RE: Pin code removal of 4 digits limitation
@keneda Oh, I misunderstood your post as recommending the 12 character, text field and manual submit as the requirements for the screen lock, sorry
RE: Pin code removal of 4 digits limitation
@keneda That's how you end up with "password123" everywhere. Not everyone stores sensitive data on their phone + as long as the bootloader is unlocked and data unencrypted any point about security is moot
RE: Pin code removal of 4 digits limitation
@kugiigi It's a pin code, security is not improved that much by not showing the length - best UX would be to offer a choice.
But if we are not saving the length then it should start with no circles - we could show some helper text like "enter PIN" and "enter PIN or use the fingerprint scanner" if that's also set up.
The circles could show up empty and fill over ~200ms to preserve the current design a bit too.
Also, @lduboeuf why 12 as the new limit?
RE: Query
@marekf Using the installer is the only supported installation method, this doesn't change with focal.
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
@arubislander Brian already did, I wrote it here for reference since the review on the MR is rather long. I can take a look at doing it once I finish higher priority stuff, I've been really missing this option in Podphoenix
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
@arubislander what is actually needed here, is a way to tell media-hub to stop playback after some time - doing this on the app side is not a good solution, since it requires either keeping the screen on, or not suspending the app, both consuming resources/battery.
With the fix in media-hub other apps could use it as well (Podphoenix is a good example).
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
@digi6622 I don't see any feature requests about what you describe here: https://gitlab.com/ubports/development/core/mediaplayer-app/-/issues
Where was the request made if nobody responded to it? -
RE: Current RC has bad bluetooth on Op5t
Oh, also @Yougo I see you have a Pixel 3a and that definitely has working 20.04, so you could also check (ofc only if this is not your only device, I can't repeat enough that 20.04 is not ready for general use ;p)
RE: Current RC has bad bluetooth on Op5t
@moem hmm, did you do a clean install with wipe and bootstrap? It's an older device, there were some kernel changes needed for 20.04 to work so might be safer with these options.