@markatrafik I have moved your post to the correct sub fourm

RE: ubports-qa update
RE: Is there support for OP6?
@Hugehead We are always looking for people to take on testing and helping develop the OS and it would be very much appreciated. If so we can point you in the right direction. Taking on a port and keeping it going is a big commitment for anyone and availability/time changes as you have seen and not all ports advance and last.
As the info on the devices page, the people who put the page together rely on the correct information at the start and updates when it changes from the devs of each device. We are working on ways of making it clearer which devices are " Fully UBports" and which are "community ports" what the state of the port is and who to contact with any issues.
If it was say "fully UBports" you would contact us about anything related to the device and OS, at the other end it would really be back to the porter for device specific stuff. Bit of a simple outline but you can see the idea. -
RE: What does Factory Reset do in UT for Nexus 5?
@chdslv resets to basic ut as at install. Clears all your personal settings data etc. You get a blank fresh OS. You have already asked this in another thread. Please try not to double post.
RE: Update of 4th August (devel)
@dtarrant Please try RC if available that works. Also is it stopping at the UT dots stage or a splash screen. There is an issue with some devices on Devel with the new Bluez merging and possibly with the changes in Contacts to qtcontacts-sqlite backend. Please do not ask me to explain that
RE: how to remove unsupported apps after upgrade?
@gandalf If you try I found some of the tweak tool features still worked. If not, first try re install all apps from Sytem Settings, Update or and I don't like to say it bit re running through the installer with the wipe option will give a much better result. No bits of 16.04 left around. The Openstore you have on 20.04 will only deal with 20.04 Apps but I may be wrong.
I tried RC on my FP4 today from System Settings Updates and you will end up with lots of apps still and many that will not work. Having tried other devices with a clean 20.04 for me it is a better experience of 20.04. -
RE: Is "forums.app@ubports.com" a legit email from forums.ubports.com?
@Opolork Need to check that, not sure what it is for.
RE: Smartwatch sync app
@jiho Thanks thats great all sorted on the install just the pairing to go. Fingers crossed.
RE: Second piece of music chopped (or playback stopped) when screen is off
@domubpkm Can't say about Volla but get very same on OP5 when using internet radio and plugin earphones. Screen on fine, off stutter time. Only tried today, will try music app shortly.
RE: Anbindung der Konten geht nicht (The accounts cannot be linked)
@carrabelloy Thank you for your appreciation of UT. However a decision has been made that for the benefit of all this forum is to be conducted in English. Yes we know English is not every ones first or preferred language but that is the decision and what we expect. As has been pointed out there are specific language groups on TELEports/Telegram if you prefer to use that. We will not be chasing you round the forum providing translations, all future posts not in English or without at least a translation will be removed. This is for the benefit of all Forum users whatever their language preference.
RE: Smartwatch sync app
@jiho Have a PineTime on the way now so will give this a try when it arrives.
RE: SOLVED: Spotify keyboard in Anbox
Could you mark this by adding (solved) to the title please it will help others. Use the three vertical dots on the right.
RE: Ubports TWRP Recovery Flashable zips out there/possible?
@errorcodevortex UBports do not support dualboot. Also asking the same version of a question in different places will not get a different answer.
Edit: Please see answer given here https://forums.ubports.com/topic/3136/magisk-root-on-anbox-possible-patched-boot-img-installs-but-su-permission-denied-help-ideas
RE: I made a Quick start guide on how to make Python apps.
@aarontheissueguy Good stuff thanks for taking the time to do it. If you just make the changes @libremax suggested and as your doc is in English probably best to link to the English version of the ssh part of UBports docs rather than German(?) and development not developement you should be set. Thanks again for your time and effort.
RE: wifi not working on oneplus one
@Masayoshi Just rerun the installer. it should be quicker this time and please don't select the wipe option.
RE: VPN on UT. Tutorial here.
@ernest This is going to be looked into. Will let you know the conclusion.
RE: It'd be nice to be able to get everything for install from Ubuntu's Synaptic Package Manager
@normmmm Sorry but not quite sure what you are asking. Anything you download on to your pc is not something to get an answer for here as we are concerned with Ubuntu Touch for mobile devices and nothing to do with Ubuntu OS.
If you are thinking og changing anything on your Pixel 3a with Ubuntu Touch on it, then no you only need to install our updates and downloads anything else is at your own risk. -
RE: Google Contacts aren't syncing - Nexus 5 (OTA-5)
have just setup a nexus 5 with wipe via the installer to check uNav so did contacts as well. All synced properly with Google. Was going to suggest clearing cache, data and config with UT Tweak tool but there's nothing showing there not even app size which is odd. You could try pressing the clear button and see what happens. Need to check this as I thought you could uninstall contacts, restart and it would be installed again but that option is missing in UT Tweak also. will get back on this.
RE: How to restart touch service
@ngux Sorry not saying your not but are you sure this is Ubuntu Touch and not just Ubuntu with touch working from the tablet. Only I am not aware of UT running on this device.