@UBportsNews take your time. It's ready when it's ready, isn't it? Thank you for your fantastic work.
RE: OTA8 Release Delay
RE: Waydroid support on FP4
@gandalf and at all, thanks for your informations and tips. I am using it now and works fine. I just need firefox sometimes, so battery drain is no problem for me.
RE: Waydroid support on FP4
@Schlicki2808 does Waydroid helper app work, including hiding aps. Or does just Waydroid itself work - good enough
RE: Waydroid support on FP4
@kugiigi if it is not running it doesn't effect the battery drain? So no difference if waydroid is installed or not?
RE: Waydroid support on FP4
@kugiigi Are you sure? In open store waydroid helper app seems only to support Fairphone 3/3+, as mentioned in the discription. Would be nice and easy if that would work, including hiding apps.
Waydroid support on FP4
Hi, is it possible to install Waydroid on FP4? Will Firefox work? I do know the workaround of how to install waydroid on unsupported devices, but I did not try it yet. I don't want to brick my phone. On an oneplus nord n10 5g waydroid works fine with that workaround.
Is waydroid safe to install on FP4? Thanks for answers.
How to change Device name?
Hi, how can I change my device name which I did set at the first installation? ( the name that shows up above the circle from the lock screen).
Thanks for help. -
RE: Anyone tried installing another OS on a Ubuntu Touch X23
Hi, you can go to VollaOS with Ubports Installer. Then there is the possibility to flash SailfishOS. But difficult and there is always a chance to brick the phone. I have done it with a Volla 22 some time ago. But none official Sailfish is quite ok, but not to compare with a licence version. I would say its very experimental.
Nord N10 5 G
Hi, I do have the Oneplus Nord N10 5 G now. UT works very nice on it, also Waydroid. When will there be a stable release (20.04)? Does Waydroid helper work on it (it's not mentioned in open store)? Will there be an own category in this sub forum? -would be worth it. Thanks for that port, it's a very nice device.
RE: Android 12 Problems ?
Thanks. I think I will try to flash it with the SP Flashtool. I am going to use the mimameid 11.1 zip from the Installer cache (volla-11.1-20221017-stable-SPFLASH-mimameid.zip). If this works, I hope UT flashing with installer should work...I have to think about it some days.
RE: Android 12 Problems ?
that's what I thought. I'll better not try it. Let's see how to get it to Android 11 ... Thank you.
Or is there a chance for a Android 12 port shortly ? I can wait.
Android 12 Problems ?
Hi, I would like to flash UT on a Volla 22, VollaOS 12.1 within the installer. Is this possible, or do I some how have to rollback to Android 11? How would that be possible ?
RE: UT 20.04 not working (Qualcom Chrash)
@SSD as I wrote, if you flash postmarkedOS with installer, you can not go back to UT. No Xenial and no Focal. It is one way. I tried many things, twrp etc... Thats why I keep it with PMOS, watching, enjoying it. Maybe someone knows a way back?
My other oneplus 6 works fine with Focal.
RE: UT 20.04 not working (Qualcom Chrash)
Going back from postmarked OS did not work for me either. On my other onpluse 6 my UT 20.04. STABLE works fine. But also postmarketOS gets better and better with plasma mobile, so just keep it and get another oneplus 6. Just an idea...