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Please forgive my ignorance on this one....
How hard would it be for The Document Foundation to make an Office Suite for Ubuntu Touch app? (not referring to Libertine here)
Making a fork of Collabora Office like @stanwood suggested would take time too, while LibreOffice is a near perfect existing solution already, widely spread and well maintained. Wouldn't it make sense to team up or have a UT community effort to raise the funds necessary to have The Document Foundation create a UT version based on existing Ubuntu one? Especially now there should be extra interest from their side now that the number of Linux devices/phones with Ubuntu Touch is rapidly increasing. If necessary a LibreOffice 'Lite' version may me good enough for on the go. Having a Ubuntu Touch LibreOffice app can have a lot of positive side effects as well.
I know it all comes down to staff available. Yet a guesstimated time on altering and maintaining a LibreOffice for UT would do to satisfy my curiosity.
In general I'd love to see the possibility to have the same core apps on both Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Touch. Ultimately synchronizing both like other OS's would be ideal.
Like your idea.
What if we could set up a marketplace on this forum (thinking a separate submenu) like a bulletin board including a crowdfunding feature. Others might be interested in that specific app to be developed and may want to contribute to have it made on shorter notice or special request features.
Not sure if this would be against the UBports regulations but I can definitely see added value in bringing together demand (very defined functions) and developers to earn a predefined sum of money. Win-win.
Why is this discussion still going on in what is supposed to be a dedicated thread for the uRSSES thread only?
Maybe you can all continue in a separate topic or have this thread be split? @Lakotaubp ^^
@keneda said in Need feedback from women (if any) using UT:
Well, maybe his app's relative to some things that only woman has to manage every month...
OTA release download ?
As a non-designer I have noticed that the apps and Open Store are rather inconsistent. I'm well aware that there are UT design rules to follow, nevertheless when searching apps in the Open Store I cannot ignore the diversity of app icon designs.
As a newcomer I can understand the freedom designers are given on the UT platform and that's great, yet I would have expected to find a more uniform design.
In this thread I would like to encourage users to put forward their suggestions for improvements, a meeting place where users and designers/devs can discuss design wishes in general, not aimed at specific apps, nor should it become a place for designers to promote their own apps.
I'll start with my own suggestions below, hopefully we'll get to the point where we can all benefit from the positive critical opinions and suggestion.
To those lurking at UT the Open Store seems rather inconsistent. Same goes for non-English headers (noticed quite a few Cyrillic and Spanish ones). Nothing wrong with national oriented apps but a decent English header (with native language description) adds to a better search experience imho.
Another suggestion is to add/assign a simple and unique identifier within the app icon design that might contribute to a higher download rate and could make (potential) users feel more confident about downloading their basic apps knowing they have been marked as 'safe to use'.
The unique identifier (thinking a quality marking) could be consistent element/background color/marking to each app that is AppArmor confined. In addition a selection option in the drop down menu in the Open Store could be added in order to sort by App Armor confined apps. That way it should be easier for newcomers to identify 'trustworthy' apps, do a quick search on confined apps to install and go from there.
This could make users more comfortable to install the AppArmor confined apps and encourage devs to make apps in accordance with the AppArmor rules/restricted permissions. When users feel more comfortable having used AppArmor confined apps and being more familiair with terminal commands then the threshold for adding unconfined apps or using Libertine based applications will be much lower.
[edit 27-07-'20: tags added]
New users get some default apps when installing Ubuntu Touch, which is great and will give them the feeling they'll start of fresh and secure with AppArmor confined apps.
The default camera app (qtubuntu-camera) however does not work as it's supposed to. One has to figure out how to get an other app working like GStreamer-droid and be 'forced' to use terminal from the start. A camera app is generally considered to be 'a must have' for the majority. When considering a switch from mainstream OS's, a fawlty default camera app is a letdown, a presumed sign on the wall and an easy reason for new users to turn away from UT.
I'm not a developer, so please forgive my ignorance when underestimating the complexity, but it feels to me the qtubuntu camera app deserves some priority and be fully functional soon-ish especially now UT is expanding rapidly.
Can we have an update on that please, with timeframe preferably?
You had me thrilled for a moment......
If we could have a text editor in Document Viewer capable of opening/editing/saving commonly used text/tables/presentations that would be great!
@Rebecca58 said in More intelligent Keyboard:
Re: Keyboard Changes
I wish the keyboard on UT could be more predictive. If I type a word with a mistake (the letter next to it) such as lpve instead of love, it won't see the connection between the two. I keep making mistakes because of my bit fingers on such a small screen and it is sooo frustrating having to erase a whole word because the prediction is wrong..
I'd like to second that
I'm not into swiping but can imagine people wanting that too
Will there be details available?
This information will make it easier for buyers to order with confidence and should reduce the number of returns.
@Keneda said in Wish list : which apps do you need?:
That would be a good start yes ^^
Sorry for the thrill...
Regardless, it's my firm believe that adopting LibreOffice in the OpenStore will have huge benefits with regard to market positioning Ubuntu Touch and lower the treshhold for potential users and developers, offering another 'mainstream' option and core app by default.
@Stefano said in How to: test GStreamer-droid based camera support in Ubuntu Touch (for Halium 7.1 based port):
@3T_Ed I don't know if someone is working on UT camera, but GST is a workaround or other option and is working on some Halium 7 ports.
When installing UT on my Oneplus 3T I must have been very lucky, glad got it working. It is not my intention to mess it up for a camera workaround.
I prefer to keep being able to get updates for further improvements rather than taking the chance of getting myself (newbie) into trouble over a camera and not getting updates at all. The OPO 3T works very well considering the fact it's not even an official port. The porting making huge progress though thanks to the work of people like @vince1171 . At the time of installing I was well aware the port isn't ready. Nevertheless I'd love to have a camera option any time soon. It would be a very welcome feature for all newcomers in order to start enjoying their UT.
After all, people new to the UT scene would like to see the essential apps working, going through some psychological process of cognitive dissonance as it is, as to whether they have made the right choice to go the (alternative/"don't-do-it-I-told-you-so") UT route, not having to dig into various procedures - which might seem logical and easy routines to those who are already used to Linux distros and terminal commands - in order to get the basics running.
I hope ultimately UT will become an OS everyone can install in confidence like an out of the box experience. This community is one of the best I have come across, no doubt UT is (going to be) a huge success and if things will be smoothed out many non-Linux users will take the leap of faith to make the switch.
Meanwhile I guess I will just keep things as they are, sticking to the default apps and restricted to installing from Open Store only, eagerly awaiting the release of a camera app.
@totalsonic fully understand the reasoning behind it and I hope the rugged version will do very well.
Nevertheless, I agree with @domubpkm a perfect 5" Volla would be a brilliant addition to the line-up and could be a widely adopted device if it'd be ported.
To whomever did solve the native camera app issues: THANKS A MILLION!!!
You have are my hero for your work in getting my 3T to be worthy of being called a daily driver now, I can't thank you enough for your time and effort.
We have taken uAdblock for granted for years. We shouldn't have and know better now, it was only this close before it had to be shut down.
Many thanks to you and all involved for this second chance to keep this important application available to the community.
I would very much like to second that thought, not just for UT homepage but a uniform type/template (in different languages - happy to help for my native language) that can (and should) be used as a template for customized launchers like @syper Launcher Modular as well for people who do not use standard UT homescreen. Hopefully, like with other OS's this will be picked up so that one day this feature might safe a life of someone from this community.
@moem said in Ubuntu Touch Q&A 110 Saturday 9th October At 19:00 UTC:
But 'I'm such a happy UT user' does not a good Q&A question make.
That may be, this is a good place starting to express it though
I'm such a happy UT user
Brilliant!! Very happy you made the first ICE app in the Open Store. A great addition to the top bar, thank you so much! Looking forward to further improvements. Thanks to fellow members as well who kept this thread going to this point and hopefully will keep contributing.
On my OPO 3T the heart is showing as a heart (next to 'notifications', in the app store @syper mentioned changes to the icon on the to-do list). When pulling the top menu down on the heart the heart changes to 'heart + ICE'. The odd thing here is that when pulling the menu is pulled down the heart is relocated to another position (in my case 4th from the left), no idea why. Would love to be able to assign the shortcut icon positions myself.
As for the Aesculapius, that would be a good icon for the 'Medical information' field (currently being a magnifying glass).