... about the goals the UBPorts team has achieved in the last months
Many thanks for your ambitious work to keep one of the last alternative mobile os alive.
After the end of UT I sold my BQ4.5 and jumped ship for a while but couldn’t resist to try it again with my Nexus 5 and wow - you solved some issues the UT team didn’t in years just by focusing on essentials
I even tried Xenial but it seems there’s is a long way to go for the N5 but the UI is very promising ... M
Just decided yesterday to become a Patron (not with a big pledge but wanted to contribute a bit ...)
I hope you keep on with your great work, we need alternatives (and I had them all from PalmOS to WebOS to Maemo to Meego to FFOS to Sailfish and UT ...) for now only two left - so please keep on going thx
I’m just impressed ...w
Twitter Client Piepmatz
Hello again,
just to let the community know. The dev of the Sailfish Twitter app Piepmatz offered any dev who wants to port his 100% open source app to UT help by this effort. He hasn't the resources to do it by himself neither does he have a UT device or wants to use one so if someone from here wants to pick this up...Piepmatz is really brilliant..
Cheers, Martin
RE: Add more modern and popular devices to offical supported list
@pulsar33 said in Add more modern and popular devices to offical supported list:
@xqqy said in Add more modern and popular devices to offical supported list:
Maybe is time to drop some old device to newer one.This is a totally irresponsible idea at a time when the danger of destroying the planet through over-consumption is so high and finally recognized by a growing number of people.
Pulsar33+1 just look at the downloads at Lineage - there is definitely a need for OS supporting older hardware abandoned by the manufacturers - same with desktop hardware still running smooth with Linux while commercial OS are sluggish or won’t get updates or not running at all ...
please think about the planet before buying new hardware ...
Linux in Dex - Samsung+Ubuntu ...
not sure what I should thing about that - Ubuntu ditches UT and teaming up with Samsung for a closed source proprietary convergence experience? Or do I get something wrong ...
RE: Nexus 5.
What's wrong with a nexus 5? It's a decent device with decent camera and a good size. Plus you can get nearly every spare part you might need.. Can't say that for any other device (ex fairphone 2) out there... Only issue is the bad battery performance...
If your os runs smooth on your device, where is the need for posh hardware?
Have a look at lineage stats, there are loads nexus 5 devices out there and running
RSS Reader
Hi there ...
I might be the the last one using RSS feeds but I really need my dose of news updates every few hours
As the only scope I ever used except of the app drawer, the real great rss reader scope, doesn’t work on 16.04 as all other scopes I’m desperately in need of an alternative ...
Shorter hat been compiled for 16.04 but unfortunately it doesn’t pull the feeds ... it updates ones the one feed already added by default and then it refuses to connect even to the default feed ...
I tried Feedly in the new morph browser but unfortunately the login doesn’t work - you can login and it states you’re logged in now but it doesn’t forward to the site after that and if you go back to the main site manually it doesn’t recognise the login any more ...
My favourite would be having the rss scope back but I know scopes are history so if anyone can suggest an alternative ...
Many thanks
RE: Gain more real users and user experience by supporting multi boot like EFIdroid with Android
@jjurgen I installed EFIDroid on Lineage on the Nexus 5 - works flawlessly with custom roms on Android base - as there is no downloadable image for UBPorts - why actually? - I made a twrp backup from my lineage system and am going to install ubports through MDT (last time it failed to install OTA3 - seemed the pull server was still on OTA2 so I flashed back to Lineage immediately) make a twrp backup and then flashing back to Lineage and will try to get the ubports backup running with EFIDroid - at least that’s the plan. As my shower drain pump stopped working today I might fix that first so don’t await a report too soon
RE: xperia x sailfish to ubport
I know it's an quite old thread but just in case someone is looking for a solution ...
as I just moved my Xperia X from Sailfish to Ubuntu touch - you just have to:-
Flash the OEM binaries from: https://developer.sony.com/file/download/software-binaries-for-aosp-nougat-android-7-1-kernel-4-4-loire/
unzip, go to the dir and
fastboot flash oem SW_binaries_for_Xperia_AOSP_N_MR1_5.7_r1_v08_loire.img -
run the UBports Installer - tick wipe user data to be on the safe side
RE: Since it seems to be Open Season on the Dash...
I don't think that's very convenient on a mobile.. The aim of a good homescreen/app drawer should be to get your informations and/or needed apps fast and without many swipes or clicks or typing... I've been totally satisfied by the scopes approach but it seems I'm part of a minority
RE: Users by country stats?
@dtarrant said in Users by country stats?:
@Stefano said in Users by country stats?:
@dtarrant There are many users in UK, me being one of them
Nice! How did you deduce there are many users in the UK?
Because if you follow the forums you'll encounter that from time to time people drop their location in one or the other thread
Cheers from Somerset
RE: Telegram - some history, and vs. Signal
three things:
if you trust the security of an app in regards of your data is totally up to you - I would always prefer open source for sensible communication as, at least, I could check the code - how often people actually checking it after every new commit or at all .... I never checked - neither Signal nor Telegram so I can say nothing about it I didn't get from another source ....
If you like the people behind the app, or what the are doing is a complete different thing - that's about social or political correctness, your own agenda, .... so you might say this or that guy doesn't fit my believes and attitudes, so I don't use his or her app - totally up to you - but you can't blame people for providing an anonymous tool for communication that then gets used by groups who are seeking for exactly that - that is out of control as soon as you started it (box of the pandora thing) if you want control it can't be that anonymous and vice versa ...
about freedom in forums - I have to second @Diagon here that links to sources should not be censored and marked as spam - even if a moderator is regarding them as biased - you can comment on this but deleting seems not right to me - its not a kids forum that needs adult moderation because the can't decide what's true and what's not ...
@Lakotaubp If you regard this forum as a company forum that only serves the purposes of UBports foundation then go on with rigid moderation rules - if this is a community forum you might want to think that through and allow communication and other points of view - for discussion purposes of course and in the right place - but off topic seems quite ok for off topic, doesn't is?
no offense meant to anyone - it's not my forum and will keep using it for information regardless of how strict it is moderated ...
App for GPS routing with Vector maps
uNav is a good GPS routing software but it can’t use vector maps of other providers - I would really like to use the openadromaps hiking maps on ubports
As Navit seems still under development is there anyone here with more skills than I who is interested in compiling it für ubports ? Navit Wiki there is a version and a howto for Sailfish that might help ...
I’m a willing tester for every alpha stage
I’m also open for every other approach, I don’t need routing, just map viewing (openandromaps) and gps position
[sold] Two devices with UT for sale / giveaway
Hi folks,
I have to clear out my drawers
The are two UT devices just catching dust so I'll get rid of them:
Nexus 5 - device only - battery ok in full working condition - few signs of usage but ok
Xperia X - device with charger an original cable - small mark on the frame at the top - USB port is a bit fiddly but works if the plug is put in properly and using the original cable
both with UT installed and working
For devs who contribute to UT or provide apps I would give them away for the shipping costs - if you want to buy me a beer or coffee as well I won't mind a small donation though
For users who want to try UT I'm asking €20 for the nexus and €40 for the Xperia X plus shipping
PM me if interested - pics on demand ...
Location UK or D
Calendar views
While the calendar app isn't at all a bad one, the options for viewing events are not matching my needs...
In the month view there are only dots for events, no calendarcolours and no feature to enable showing events as text.
In the week view it shows only three days no matter if in landscape or portrait and full day events haven't calendarcolours either
In the Agenda view it only shoes the next seven days....
What I would need would me at least coloured dots in the month view - I need to know at a glance if there is a work appointment - and a week view that shows the whole week at a glance without scrolling plus colours for whole-day-events...
I have to deal with three different calendars and need to decide quick while on the road when I'm available for customers or bookings...
If anyone else is interested in those features or a skilled devoted can even help (at least the colours can't be that hard to implement if you know where) please let me know, I'm happy to test but I'm not a coder...
RE: Gain more real users and user experience by supporting multi boot like EFIdroid with Android
@jjurgen ordered a new one - should be here tomorrow...
I tried my approach again with different settings but still no success... It worked with two other twrp backups (lineage and a custom rom) which both are booting as second rom without any problems - so it is possible to get a multiboot with EFIdroid by creating new slots and do a twrp recovery in this slots, but I can't boot to UBports - it always loops back to EFIdroid bootloader -
RE: backup complete device
@bastos flash twrp recovery (flash only recovery!) for your device and do a backup - save it on your computer or external sd and flash back to ubports recovery ... worked for me in every circumstances as twrp is hassle free and reliable ...